Day: November 4, 2009

American Football – NFL
Basketball – NBA

Who Has The Power in the NFL, the NBA, and the World Series?

The NFL has pretty much crushed my “Hourglass” theory and my gooey, cheesy center has risen closer to the...

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Man's Health
Woman’s Health

Bodybuilding with Indoor Plants

Bodybuilders love to breathe fresh air; it helps them maintain energy and a healthy glow. A two-year study conducted...

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Mixed Martial Arts

The Many Entrances of Mayhem

Jason “Mayhem” Miller is one of the most popular fighters outside of the UFC.  He has gained notoriety by...

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Man's Health
Woman’s Health

Bodybuilding and Archery

Believe it or not Bodybuilders enjoy Archery in their free time because Archery seems like an easy sport, but...

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