So, which anabolic steroids for muscle mass are most effective and have less amount of side effects? Well, firstly, let’s start with the fact that at the base of any course of steroids, when goal is building muscle mass, there must necessarily be some testosterone esters, there must be testosterone, without it in any way! Moreover, rather it will be Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate, for this they are more suitable than Testosterone Propionate, which is more often used for gradual withdrawal from the course (it keeps muscle mass on rollback rather than helps it to build).
Now we list those drugs that can be said that they are the best steroids for muscle mass:
- Trenbolone acetate (golden liquid) is one of the most powerful injectable steroids, 4 times stronger than Deca. It increases the insulin-like factor, which increases the anabolic activity and increases the sensitivity of the receptors.
- Deca Durabolin (Deca) – in combination with Dianabol was quite popular in the 70s in Arnold era and among his comrades. This drug is able to give such outstanding results – up to 15-20 kg of muscle mass for a three-month course!
- Sustanon – probably the best androgenic steroid for weight. By itself, in a solo course, Sustanon does not give visible increases in muscle mass. But in a mix with other drugs is very capable of even a lot! It is a mixture of different testosterone esters.
- Dianabol (Methandienone) is the most popular steroid among oral drugs. Proved its effectiveness in building mass despite high aromatization and water retention. It showed itself most effectively in courses with Deca.
- Turinabol – another fairly popular oral steroid. In contrast to Dianabol, less flavored in the body, in connection with which it has fewer chances and after the course has a smaller rollback. This steroid will help to gain a very high quality muscle mass and keep it.