Most of us like a drink now and then, but how many calories are we consuming when we have a pint of beer, or a glass of red wine? Below is a chart which clearly shows the calorie content of popular alcoholic beverages, allowing for a visual cross reference to compare drinks.
Calorie chart
1 can of light beer 103 calories
1 can of regular beer 153 calories
1 serving of red Cabernet wine 122 calories
1 serving of red Merlot wine 122 calories
1 serving of white wine 121 calories
1 jigger Vodka 97 calories
1 bottle Bacardi Brezzer 220 calories
1 serving of Bailey’s Irish Cream 94 calories
The calorie totals were taken from external sources and we cannot guarantee their accuracy. For information regarding any branded products we recommend you look on their (the manufactures) web site for any up to date and accurate nutritional information.