Elaine Ranzatto Quick Facts
Name: Elaine Ranzatto
Elaine Ranzatto Measurements:
Height: 1.67 m
Thigh / Quadricips – 59 cm
Vasto – 44.5 cm
Hip / glute – 97 cm
Chest – 49 cm
Back – 107 cm
Waist – 72 cm
How did you get started?
Elaine Ranzatto: I was very thin, had difficulty gaining weight and not feel physically beautiful.
What led you to begin your transformation?
Elaine Ranzatto: After having gone through a serious depression, my therapist at the time detected a low esteem because of my dissatisfaction with my body. I decided to hire a Personal Trainer and change my habits.
Changed My Life
How do you keep motivated?
Elaine Ranzatto: What keeps me motivated is exactly my mirror.
You are looking at the woman I am today, with the body I have today and think:
I never want to be like before!
I always want more and more and it motivates me.
If you had to pick 3 exercises, which would be and why?
Elaine Ranzatto:
squat free
What is your favorite workout?
Elaine Ranzatto: My favorite workout is the hypertrophy (lean mass gain)
What is the preferred muscle group to train?
Elaine Ranzatto: I love to train legs!
Mostly free squats, leg press, leg extension, adductor and abductors …
I love doing push-ups too!
Aerobic or Weight Training?
Elaine Ranzatto: I like a bit of everything to be honest, but my strength is even less FITNESS and group exercises like spinning classes, jump, pump etc.