There are many training methods and plans we can follow to improve our fitness, yet the vast number of fitness articles available on the web may have the negative effect of confusing the trainee, with one article contradicting the other or providing no overall consensus on the correct method of training. An effective fitness training plan is not hard to devise, we just have to remember some key points when constructing the routine.
Fitness principals
A training routine can be effective if we follow and take note of some important principals. These principals can be remembered under the acronym FITT.
Frequency – This refers to how often we train
Intensity – How hard we push ourselves during the fitness activities
Time – The duration of the workouts
Type – Exercise choice and training method implemented
We must remember each of these points when composing a fitness training routine. The frequency, intensity and duration of the training will depend initially on current fitness levels. As progression is made, and you become fitter, it will be these aspects of the training routine which are changed to place an ever increasing demand on the body. As with any form of fitness training, we must be consistent, and gradually heighten the frequency (up to a point), the intensity, and duration (up to a point) to ensure the training does not stagnate.
Whatever our level of fitness, there is no need to train in excess of five times per week. The duration of the workouts do not need to exceed one hour, also. The intensity can be increased by making the exercises more difficult; greater resistance, more repetitions, shorter rest periods, and so on.
Method of training
Fitness is a wide term, and it is likely a typically gym goer wishes to focus on one segment. Many will wish to improve their cardiovascular ability and lose body weight. Such a person would be wise to stick to exercises which increase the heart rate and breathing, such as cycling, rowing, power-walking, skipping, jogging or running.
Trainees focused on improving their aesthetics (with bodybuilders at the extreme end of this spectrum) would be best focusing on exercises which are known to change body composition i.e. reduce body fat and induce muscle growth. Such a trainee would benefit from a moderate level of low intensity cardiovascular training, as well as resistance training work to bring about an increase in muscle size and tone (eight to twelve repetitions).