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Last time I used Nolvadex was in 2015, is it one 0.5mg daily or EOD? and for how long, I remember using it only after I noticed my nipple was getting sore.

im posting this thread because I just read the one about a Dbol and test cycle for his first time, maybe this can help him out some and refresh my memory as well.

Dr. Steroids reacted
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you would have to break a nolvadex tab into 40 pieces to get a 0.5mg dose. if your using it during cycle, 10mg a day would be sufficient. if used for pct, use it for 3 weeks 40/30/20.

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Is Nolva an oral or you have to inject it?

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oral. go to the ag-guys website

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10-20 mgs ed for your cycle and for 3 weeks after your off don’t mess w/liquid go see your doctor and get the good stuff ! Arimidex is much easier and my personal favorite .5mg for every 200mgs of adrogens 600=1.5 arimidex 1 1/2 tabs a week.

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Im New To This Site. I Need To Take Nolvedex I Think. Im Bout To Start My First Cycle. Sustanon Winny And Anavar. Is Nolvedex Really Nessasary. And How Well Does Dim And 6-oxo Work. Would Appriciate Any Help. Thanks

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Im New To This Site. I Need To Take Nolvedex I Think. Im Bout To Start My First Cycle. Sustanon Winny And Anavar. Is Nolvedex Really Nessasary. And How Well Does Dim And 6-oxo Work. Would Appriciate Any Help. Thanks

For you first cycle, that’s alot of sticking with the sustanon. Are you sure your ready for that or would you like a simpler solution with just enth or cyp?

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How many mg’s per week of sustanon. And no over the counter anti-e’s do shit in my opinion so yes it’s a good idea to have nolvadex on hand when doing test just in case.

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Bros simple question 4 u , hee hee . If an individual wanted to take Nolvadex throughout whole cycle is that a bad thing ? Im sure their isn’t but was thinking of doing it . Wanted some input about pros n cons ? Thanks
