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no intent of taking any aas any time soon but they are available to me im looking for some opinions on whether anavar is safe? im 16 and dont wanna hinder my natural growth or anything so it willl prolly be some time before i even take anything im just lookin for some info on anavar… and please dont links because ive been everywhere and read all about it…in your opinion is there little risk in taking anavar?

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there is risk/side effects in every drug on the market. anavar is said to be mild…but every one who takes it will react differently. it seems to me that you wanna try something but you are afraid of negative sides you might get. This is my opinion if you take stuff in a moderate dosage responsibly 9/10 times you should be ok. now let me tell you this….imo if you wanna try gear your best bet would be testosterone about 400mg wkly……i will guarentee you will get crazy gains being that ur a virgin to it….

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see i dont have test just being handed to me… anavar is free for me and im really just curious as to whether it will affect how well stronger AS will work for me down the road …

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as for now… im staying clean until i plateau on everything and im as big as i can get naturally

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as for now… im staying clean until i plateau on everything and im as big as i can get naturally

Smartest thing I’ve heard in a long time bro. Don’t waste your time looking for what to use 2 or 3 years from now. Things will have changed so much by then that any info you get now will be worthless. Eat, Lift, and Sleep my friend. You are FULL of all the juice you need right now.

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tbar is totally right with what hes saying but let me say this……it is a very good thing to get knowledge about anything you put in your body but i must tell you that at your age if your hanging around places where gear is readly availble and sites where it is the topic of discussion usually that leads to gassin up. if ur ready then ur ready(thats the decision only u make)but i can tell you this from my expierence once you gass up for the first time…it usually leads to cycle #2 n #3. For some reason i just totally lost focus on my point…i will contunie later

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if ur ready then ur ready(thats the decision only u make)

Sorry, I think this is bad advice to give a 16 year old. He isn’t in any position to make that call at this age. Those who have a great deal of experience are in a much better position to help him with this decision.

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lol i aint even considering taking them in the near future i want yall to realize that i just want to get some info on it since its there… and you might not realize it but it doesnt matter where i hang out aas is on top of the world as far as high school sports go so no i aint gonna be takin em but i do wanna know about it atleast for some of my friends who are gettin on it and for me to know in the future when i do decide im ready but yes… im a long LONG way from that point

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why do you think its bad advice?im just saying that at 16 post/hanging out in the gear section isnt really the right spot. Unless his mind is made up anyway

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why do you think its bad advice?I’m just saying that at 16 post/hanging out in the gear section isnt really the right spot. Unless his mind is made up anyway

LOL, what I said was bad advice wasn’t the part you picked out. It was what I quoted from the other part you wrote saying that a 16 year old is able to tell if he’s ready to start using steroids. if ur ready then ur ready(thats the decision only u make) A 16 year old is simply not capable to decide something on his own when it comes to strong medications. Hell, most adults aren’t! Thank God this kid is smart enough to know this. He sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders and realizes he needs to spend time lifting and learning before he starts using any kind of steroids.

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i agree with you bro. all im saying is that hangin on gear orientated forums usually leads to…..usin gear……

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i seem to have gotten you guys into a good argument lol

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i seem to have gotten you guys into a good argument lol

No argument. We’re just making sure you’re well taken care of. That happens on this site.

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exactly……whatever longhorn wants….LOL……And yea 16 isnt even near maturity yet so I really have no leg to stand on…shit…im bowing out 1-0 tbar

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shit…im bowing out 1-0 tbar

LOL, that’s why they made me king of all mods. (Shhhh, they keep that a secret)

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