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Another Newbie

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I’m thinking of doing my first cycle. I’ve been lifting off and on for about 10 years. I’m 5’9″, 195lbs, approx 15% bodyfat. I’ve never been able to make any real gains on my legs. I want to do a cycle that I will be able to keep the majority of the gains, and I don’t really want to inject!!! I don’t think I could stick myself. What is a good oral cycle (without killing my liver) Thanks for any Suggestions! Hard_gains

Dr. Steroids
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Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 70

Hey bro this was posted a while back by ManOSteele a while back it should help you.

Well here is an all-oral cycle for all you guys who are afraid of needles. You wimps! ha!ha! J/kidding. This is an oral cycle a few friends of mine used I made for them. Had pretty good gains and kept them too! This is what I would use if I did na oral cycle. The primobolan tabs can be left off as some did b/c they tend to be on the expensive side of the house. I look forward to any comments you may have. Please keep me posted on the results if anyone does this cycle. Winny tabs:I would recommend taking 40mg/dayfor 8 weeks. week 1-8 Anavar: The anavar I would use from week 4-12. This will get rid of a lot of water and replace it with lean muscle mass. It also will solidify the quality of the muscle you have. You should see pretty good strenth increase during this phase of the cycle also. Week 4-12.

D-Bol:I would take 25mg/day for one week. Every week increase the doage 5 mg until you reach 40 mg. Do 40mg a second week then taper down until you get to 25mg of D-Bol then come off! week 1-8

Primobolan Tabs:The primobolan tabs will harden towards the end of your cycle. Start this at 40mg/day the second week of your cycle until the week 10. week 2-10

Important Note: As orals tend to be very harsh on the liver I would defintiely take some precautions to protect my liver via OTC medications. Don’t forget Clomid post cycle 50 mg/day for a week..then 100mg day for a week…the last week 50mg/day. If you feel the onset of gyno during the cycle start popping Nolvadex at 10mg/day for a week or two until the side go away.If after the first week they don’t go away up the doasge to 20mg/day for the second week. I wouldn’t recommend taking Nolvadex more than a week as it will inhibit some of your gains. I hope this info will benefit a lot of you guys who don’t like needls. If you have nay questions feel free to email me….GoodLuck and GodSpeed!

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Thanks for the advice? It is not so much as being affraid of the needle, as it is breaking the needle off in my rear or doing some other internal damage!! Can you tell me exactly how to inject??? And on the oral cycle, what OTC meds are good to protect your liver?? Thanks again!!

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Ok, so the injection doesn’t SOUND so bad!! So can you give me a good cycle to add and keep lean mass? Or should I do a mass cycle then a cutting cycle?? I’ve seen all kinds of cycles most have sus, dbol, deca, and clomid to end it, and to keep nolva or proviron on hand for the gyno. Thanks

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Posts: 25

Hey Hard Gains,

Please go to the Newbie section and read a post I just posted titled Information to Newbies,

This will help you out and get the proper cycle set up. And I am glad to hear that you’re not affraid to inject, one obstacle down.

I am sure that myself or another vet can help you accomplish what you want.

I do recommend that you do a mass cycle first as I have seen alot of guys do cutting cycles as their first and I have to ask them “What are you cutting on?” If you don’t have the muscle size then that should be your goal.

Keep the faith, Thick
