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As And Injury.

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Do AS’s’ help in the repair,heeling or recovery from an injury. I had cuf surgery 5 months ago and im thinking of getting into AS use. Thanks, Stay strong. Love the sight . Keep it going.

Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 36

Actually, gear might cause the recovering muscle to be overworked because you would be useing more wieght and such. If you are cleared to exersize, just go naturally and the muscle will react well if it has not been used for a while. On the other hand, if you are layed up, I would think a low dose of something like primo might be goo to prevent atrophy. I had a few knee surgeries and had some atrophy in one of my quads, so I asked my doc for some deca….he looked at me funny and told me he would end up in

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Im working out now and ive ben back to it for 2 months. I have some limitations such as things like lateral raises. Im not quite up to snuff yet,but Im gettting stronger every day. My doctor said he has never seen a faster recovery. Thanks for the advice killer. Stay strong.

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 19

Good luck with your recovery! Don’t push it too hard, you don’t want to re-injure that shoulder. I would hold off on the AS, maybe ask your doc for his opinion, if you think he would give an honest answer.
