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Cyphons- Newbie-boo...
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Cyphons- Newbie-bootcamp

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Hey newbies, do you wanna grow? Do you wanna pack on 35-40lb’s in your first cycle?or even your second?
Do you have the balls to roll with the big boys? or will you stick 1 sust amp per week and prey for miracles?
Well if your ready to be serious try my cycle and if you dont get awesome results you can send me all of your unused gear for disposal.Hehehehe. Ok, assuming your taking all the crucial steps and consuming the right nutrients, you have caloric intake up there around 5000 calories per day with 300-400 grams of protien, you have all your supplemental vitamins, creatine, glutamine, milkthistle…etc. heres the cycle I have recommended to many off my beginning students with 100% satisfaction to this date. Not for the health sqeemish and certainly not for guys who make half assed training and nutrition attempts. Very basic yet very effective.



Keep the nolvadex on hand at all time, but only use during instances that you feel itchy nips and discontinue use immediatley after symptoms cease. Keep cardio to a minimum if any at all, but if you do cardio keep it to non lifting days. Training should be heavy, but the thought of coming off gear should be with you so you should have a plan that understands that when you come off strength will come down some.
this is pretty basic, but with effective dosages. Now some guys ask me “what is the most effective diet on this type of cycle?”. Well as many can attest, a bulk cycle’s goal is to put on WEIGHT and increase strength along with overall musculature, so why would you eat like a pussy? Common sense and the experience of others should have dictated to you that to get big you have to EAT BIG! for example if you are 6ft 200lb’s I would recommend sonsuming 350grams of protien and 5000-6000 total calories per day. To make this easy we have supplements Such as Nlarge and weight gainer900 or whatever else your pallette desires….of course these supplements make consuming such a large caloric amount a lot easier, however, REAL FOOD should be a REAL priority. Steak, Chicken, Whole eggs, Tuna, Cottage cheese (glutamine rich) and even a Drive for a couple Bigmacs at Mcdonalds fits the calorie bill.
Other things that make your cycle more effective is having a good supporting cast of OTC supplements. Creatine at 20mg/day will be a great benefit in utilizing that water retained to hydrate muscles on a cellular basis. Glutamine will support anticatabolic actions and increase cell volume at 20grams/day. Always protect your liver with MILKTHISTLE ( Silymarin) or Liv 52, use as directed. Primrose oil caps have also been used for liver health and also provide a good source of EFA’s, 500mg caps can be found at a very fair price, usually 10grams a day is ample. Vitamin B-5 will be helpful to combat acne if your prone, 5 grams per day will suffice, sold by twinlab in 500mg caps or bulk powder from beyond-a-century. Nizoral shampoo 2% might be a good idea if your worried about hair thinning, it works as an antifungal and clears DHT from follicles, this maybe used in conjunction with OTC rogaine 5% which also works as a mild DHT inhibitor. Some even stack those with the herb saw palmetto which is said to have an effect on the binding abilities of DHT. Does this sound like alot? Well its really not considering your protecting yourself on an internal and external level. Plan every meal, every workout and leave nothing unplanned. Keep a training and a nutrition journal so you can keep track of progress. Weigh yourself every sunday, this should motivate you to kick ass during the week. Keep negative people away from you!!! Keep the brothas on the board for positive reinforcements and support. If you slip dont give up, just start the next day with a new outlook and ask yourself……..HOW BADLY DO I WANNABEAFREAK?!!!!!!!!!!

My training recommondations:
Lets say you have a current bench of 200lb’s time 6 reps. When you get on the cycle you dont want to train as a “NATURAL” lifter. You want to train with the preconcieved idea that post cycle strength will come down and dropping back down to the former stregnth would be crushing. We dont want that to happen, so how will we train? Simple. We will increase or reps the stronger we get.So lets say at the end of our cycle we can handle 300lb’s for 15 reps. What this means is that after the post cycle strength loss take effect you will be able to lift that 300lb’s for 6 “NATURALLY”…..So the basic idea is to train for strength in a high rep format to accomadate keeping strength in a natural low rep scheme. This will be a dramatic increase in strength in a natural state….thats a 100lb increase!! So after the cycles all said and done MR NATURAL is pumping out 100lb’s more on his bench and maintaining a stress level that helps maintain the mass gained form the cycle…….It all comes together. As far as sets go I would just stick with a couple warm ups then work your way up to your 15 rep scheme using the heaviest possible weight. Change excercises every two weeks. Focus on major power lifts such as Flat bench, Squat, Deadlifts, Powercleans, Bentover rows…etc.

What Supps will help keep gains post cycle?
Although there are many methods, such as bridging mild anabolics, GH, SLIN..etc. I preffer a simple formula for keeping gains and providing an added edge post cycle. Its a simple Glucophage/carb/creatine stack.
Glucophage ( Also known as metformin) is known by life extension people as a longevity insulin mimicker. In short what it does is increase sensitivity of your bodies own insulin by assisting in the shuttling of glycogen to the liver and mucle stores. This has a great effect when stacking it with creatine. A simple stack looks like this:
100 grams carbs/850mg glucophage/5-10 grams creatine
I recomend using this stack 3-4 times per day especially after workouts to replenish glycogen stores.

What if you wanna bridge a certain A.S.?
Well i wouldnt recommend staying on A.S for more than the allocated cycle time for various reasons. the main reason is receptor saturation. Do you want to make great gains your next cycle? YES! Well then dont bridge. TRAIN HARD! EAT HARD! Let the receptors recup and HPTL axis normalize.

Of course what I have here is not written in stone and shouldnt be treated as such. I am merely stating what has been succesful for all of my trainees. You will always find valuable information on the board by very knowledable people that you may want to incorporate into your agenda. This is simply an outline to what my crew of BB’s does and has had success with. Good luck guys.

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SIR, YES SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Nice cycle but what if some of us cannot get decca or eq? My current cycle is 100mg A-50 4 weeks,50mg eod test-prope 3 weeks,and 400mg test-cyp 10 weeks.5000 calories/day.2gr per pound body weight protien intake.what kind of gains?

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Hey CYPHON thanks for all the info esp. on the diet looks good i wont be doing my first cycle for a couple of mounths but this is the most insite on one ive seen on any of the boards ive been lurking on thanks again for taking the time ozzy

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Abomb looks like your initial gains will be plenty and 30-40lb’s should be easy with abombs and good training, however dont you think you should have something in there to help solidify gains with a more pronounced anabolic effect? From my opinion your gonna end up losing a lot of drol water and end up with less bang for your buck. Remeber that the type of training on abombs is very important…….this is were my methods work best…….Bro it look sgood however I would try to get some deca/eg or even primo in there….

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That’s the problem cant get it (no I’m not askin either) So I dont know what to do.I thought that I’d probably lose most of the gains that I’m gonna get so how long will it take to be a runt agian?(THIS SUCK’S)

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Bro is it possible for you to hold off until you can get some EQ oe DECA??? and possibly more test?

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Why more test?I can get all the test I want, all the a-50 I want,all the d’s,all the sus 250.I just cant get EQ or DECCA!

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CYPHON- that cycle is hard core…..just when I start to feel like a real man ….you bring me back down to earth.

You said “keep negative people away from you”; that has been the key for all the happiness and success i’ve had in my life. Parents, so-called friends, business assoc., etc were draggin’ me down to their level. I eliminated them and their negativity and replaced them with Positive people and it changed Everything. It was some of these positive people who invited me to the gym for the first time.

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YY thats excellent….people that arent helpful in your persuit are usually slobs that know nothing about discpline and health……and little do they know of our little world here and we probably shouldnt expect them to understand…..They are narrow minded and will never achieve something as great as what we here achieve……How many people in this world restarin themselves from eating junk food and garbage in order to achieve a chiseled, buff, cut body??? I would say less than 1%…..we are that 1%……..damn we should all be proud to be in that elite group!

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Good Post Cyphon…I would prefer to use Cytadren over Nolvadex though…but the cycle and the info is accurate and very good. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks Iron Bro, ManOSteele

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hey fellas,

so it’s ok to run clomids throughout the cycle? i was always told to hit the clomids 1 week after my last shot for 3 weeks. week 1 50mg/day, week 2 100mg/day, week 3 50mg/day.

let me know because i’m running my next cycle in about 3-4 weeks.



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Well its helpful to run the clomid throught for the anti-estro effect and also to keep some movement in the nut sack………this isnt neccesary, but helpful.

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That post brought a tear to my eye. Cyphon, you seem like a dedicated, hardcore, kind of guy. The advice was excellent. I enjoyed the cycle profile. It looks like it couldn’t miss to me.

Keep it up, I appreciate the effort in that one!

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