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Cyphons- Newbie-boo...
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Cyphons- Newbie-bootcamp

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Can you imagine Licorice on a dealers list. LOL

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uh yeah, gimme 250 dbol, 24 sus, 48 deca, 50 clomid, box of pins and some of that special blend black rope licorice from the underground kit I’ve read about on the boards…. LOL

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Hey Cyphons. I’m a fbb. I’m on second cycle of primo 1cc a week. I’ve gained muscle but am retaining a lot of fluid. I need to drop body fat I’m at 17% now in 4th week. I got some fake clen n cynomel. Gee imagine that. I’m eating very clean and doing 4 hours of cardio a week. My weight won’t budge. Help!


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Katz, first thing that came to mind is maybe you arent taking in enough fluid, therefore your body is storing the water/whatever. drink around a gallon of water a day. maybe a little less due to size and gender. primo does not make you retain water, so that’s not it. maybe your diet’s not as clean as you think?

there’s a few cutting/diet gurus around here, so you outta think about starting your own thread on this topic to get more specific responses.

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I would like to try your cycle for my 2nd cycle!!! I just wanted to know which is the best Test. to use for bulking but keepable!!!! Can I add Proviron too or can i swap it with clomid?

Im on my first cycle of sus/deca/d-bol/proviron…and hcg/clomid at the end. I gained 15 in half the cycle and still gaining more … My stat was 130lbs 5’4″….now… 146lbs still gaining, I stop training for like a week because I was bruised up in my right delt, and Im just catching up again!!! My goal is 200lbs or more I’ll be happy as hell!!! People give me good complements how huge I got .. but im not satisfied yet on my gains…. I ate like an animal…6 steaks a day is not even enough midnight snacks ..steak again ….spagetti protein drink and weight gainer is combined ……but my stomach got big too…is that natural when bulking ….I’ll try to lose them by using cardio on non training days.. Give me Input On what Im try to do I on the right track for bulking? With your cycle I hope I reached my goals…and I will Bow down hehehe!!!…….. Your cycle is going to give me good gains!!! Thanx CYPHON!!!

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Keep eating them steaks and protien drinks and yes it’s common to develope a GUT while bulking up…..i would recommend using a long acting test such as enanthate,cypionate or sust. Sure you can add proviron , no prob. When bulking focus on getting big, worry about losing fat on a cut cycle……its easier with one main goal.

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Good thread Cyphon. There is a lot of good info here and I hope a lot of newbies (and some vets too) will take a look at it and learn from it.

Like someone said above, it would be nice if one of the cutting guru’s would do a similar thread along that line.

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Yeah , its not for everyone, but I think there is info for everyone to learn from and ask questions about……

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just wanted to know for my firs cycle if i cut down on the dbols to 25mgs a day, and test 500mgs aweeks and deca 200mgs a weekif that will still be a decent cycle. all im waiting on is my clomid and nolvadex right now which is really hard to do cause i have everything in my black box staring at me at night be fore i go to bed,,, i have a bottle of proviron,, whats the diff between that and clomid?? also i have to be able to please my lady freinds and i have never done a cycle before, i gotta make sure that everything is going to be working right down there would the clomid set me straight(seriously),,,,

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Yeah that would be a great cycle. I cant speak on proviron since im not a user, but clomid will help keep the boys working

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Hey cyphon nice cycle but like you said it is not for everyone, only for the real hardcore wannabe’s out there.

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I dig your intesity Cyphon but I just got some Sus and D’s and I’m gonna hold off till I get some Deca or EQ. I wanna know if its cool to take the Sus instead of Test and how much? I was planning on 500mg a week. Should I go with 1000mg instead? I jumped the gun and took some D’s last month by themselves but this will be the first time i will be sticking myself. I dont really know what to expect. I mean how many times can i use the same pin and shit like that. All the help is greatly appreciated. Once again Cyphon I totally dug your statement about the 1 percenters!!!

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Bro, try not to re-use needles, they are not expensive. You risk infection…..We have sites that sell them in the resources section. SUS is TEST. I would do at least 750mg/wk……Remeber bro be 100% prepared. Ask question about injection, nutrition and training…..We’ll help as much as we can.

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Thanx for the tips. I know that Sus is a mixture of Test just wasnt sure if 1000mgs of Sus is what you were talking about. I have 8 amps already but obviously need to get more. Im getting the stuff from a guy who is getting it froma friend so i am getting the runaround plus his prices are a little high. I paid 4 bills for 8 amps Sus and 150 D’s. Thats a bit high isnt it? So anyways some info on how to get pins and/or gear would be greatly appreciated. Thanx again bro

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You probably shouldnt have paid more than $150 for that, but hey its all who ya know………Good luck.

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