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Getting Started – G...
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Getting Started – Gear Suggestions??

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Ive just starting training after about a years lay-off – AAGGHHH

I need suggestions please. I weigh 80kgs, looking to add 10 – 15kgs of lean mass. I’m starting Creatine this week. Should I do this for a while before I start my first cycle??
ALSO What gear do you suggest for my 1st cycle??

Thanks in advance

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 22

My recommendation is to go natural for a while. Get your rest ,protein and workout as hard as possible for a few more months and then hit a cycle.

Also plan out your 1st cycle really well. Your 1st cycle is the one that you will probably experience the most growth in. Look into sustanon and deca…they both really worked really great for me as a 1st cycle.

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The best beginners cycle I have come across is as follows:

Week 1: 1000mg deca, 1000mg Sust, 1000mg Aratest Week 2: As Above + add 50x5mg d-bol daily Week 3: As Above + add 30mg Winnie V daily Week 4: As Above + add 400mg Equipoise daily Week 5: As above + add 800mg Primobolan Week 6: As above + add Halotestin 1000mg daily Week 7: Ask Jesus for your balls back! Week 8: Ask Allah and Jesus for your balls back! Week 9: Ask Allah, Jesus and Satan for your balls back! Week 10: Try and find coffin that can accomodate your 45 inch guns, in preparation for your funeral Week 11: Your funeral

Intermediate Cycle – as above – but add 8 litres of Synthol to each bicep in week 4, then another 8 litres per tricep and delts in week 5 he he – seriously though – I have been

Investigate the legal implications of being buried in a modified caravan, as not even custom made coffins will hold your incledible corpse (this depends a lot on whether you had a good, long piss before dropping dead – research has found that a good post-cycle, pre-death piss would be a determining factor in whether your extended stay “down under” will be comfortable or whether it will be a “snug fit”


Seriously though, from what I’ve read and learned in the last year or so, 200mg deca weekly + a shot of sust250 weekly over 6 – 8 weeks will do just fine, although many here will tell you to go higher in terms of dosages. Some “experts” denounce this, as, in their esteemed opinions, the above should be more than enough for virgin receptor sites

Have some Nolvadex on hand just in case, and something to jump start your natural production of testosterone – the sust will suppress this – Clomid is good but quite expensive, so is HCG (made from the urine of pregnant Spanish nuns on a Spanish Island called HCG!)

I’m sure some of the senior members here can give you some more accurate advice though, but when they start asking you to mail them all your personal stats, ie length, width, height, exact length and circumference of your penis, etc – I would politely decline – next thing you know they’re asking for pictures and video clips of you squatting in the nude. Imagine my surprise when the manager at my gym said he’d never heard of WBF and that he had no arrangement with WBF that allowed it’s members to work out nude if it’s for the noble cause of taking pictures for the moderators and elitists at WBF to take home at night

hehe – – just kidding – – This is the best damn bodybuilding site on the web

PS – Do steroids have any effects on the brain?

he he


The Allig8r

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So we have a comedian writter in the house huh? Some funny stuff.

I still think that if he just got back to trainning his best bet is to take it easy. Learn how your body works and how it adjusts to trainning then talk steroids.

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Thanks for the help Samson!!

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nah nah nah, im with getafix on this one, especially on weeks 7-9, LMFAO!!!!!!!! but i agree w/ samson really, your natural test should boast you higher than anything right now anyway.

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Hey Serpent,

Heed Samson’s advice. The object here is to get you growing naturally and to strengthen your muscles and tendons prior to going on the juice. To do steroids at the beginning of someone’s training is a disaster waiting to happen.

We don’t want to see you get hurt nor misuse steroids, go about it naturally to get all the gains you can before using steroids.

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Thanks guys – will train naturally for about 2- 3 months, get my muscle memory happening and then seek juice – Will need suggestions for my first cycle only then –

Cheers for Fears

Serpent Man

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Posts: 30

GetAFix- So funny there were tears rolling down my cheek…….go into standup….
