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How Long Before….
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How Long Before….

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Im a new one when it comes to the juice. Recently I started a cycle of test cyp 200 and deca(norandren 200). My first two weeks i used the test 1cc each week. My third week and fourth week i used both the test and deca 1cc of each per week. I just started my fourth day of injection wed and im wondering when I will start to notice physical gains. I know its not good to be impateint but im more just curious when exactly I will notice my gains. I been told week 3 and 4 by a few people but I want to hear everyone else’s feedback cause im sure it affects everyone different. I currently am 6’0, 165 pounds, and low body fat(not sure the exact number but im skinny as can be). I eat about 3200 calories a day and get more than 8 hours sleep.

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 61

Bro I would never go under 750mg/wk of test and 400mg/wk of deca ………………these are minimum dosages to see real results. I think newbies should seriously research cycles before jumping into something that will yield them nothing.

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So your saying I will receieve nothign from this cycle? I was told that plenty for a first cycle. If its not enough im gonna have to throw in some d-bol to bump up everything. thanks

Dr. Steroids
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Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 70

For a first cycle I think you have plenty, I would stick with your original plan

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 70

First of all I would be taking 400mg/wk (2cc) of each one. This should give you optimal results considering this is your first cylce. The dosages you are at are the minimum dosages to see results…so you will MINIMAL results i.e. a waste or your hard earn money$$$$$

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 58

don’t forget clomid and nolvadex
