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I Think I Got It
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I Think I Got It

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I think I finally know what I am gonna use in my cycle. I am planning to do a 11 week cycle with Sustanon 250 and Deca, also add Comid during the 10 and 11 week for my cycle and take it for another 12 and 13 week. I am thinking of taking Sustanon 250/500mg per week, but I don’t know if I should mix deca and Sustanon together in one syring? or take it sepretely during different times? How many times should I take deca and when?
IF someone can help me plan my 11 week cycle I would really appricate it. Thanks

Also If I should add another steriod let me know which one and if I should replace one of the above, why and with which? Thanks for all your help, this board is really helpful.

Dr. Steroids
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give us some of your personal stats to help us help you. weight, height, body fat %, years training, any prior use of AS and anything else that can be helpful

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<div class=”posttext”>I am 20 years old, I weight 190 pounds, I think I got 21% body fat but the body fat is an estame. I have been working out since I was 16 on and off but since 18 kinda serious. But now I wanna get huge, I have improved since I was 18.

give us some of your personal stats to help us help you. weight, height, body fat %, years training, any prior use of AS and anything else that can be helpful</div>

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If your 21% bodyfat you might want to try and cut that down a little bit before your cycle. As far as mixing the sust and deca in the same syringe, its good to do. How much deca are you going to do?

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how tall are you? I doubt that you have 21% bf, unless your pretty short.

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Well I am 5’8, and I don’t have alot of fat on me just a little around the waist. I think its more like 17% but then again these are all estemes.

how tall are you? I doubt that you have 21% bf, unless your pretty short.
