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first of want to say this is a great board,very informative.keep the knowledge coming!!!!!!
ok here we go i have a couple boxes of testoviron-depot(16 amps),200 d-bol’s.i read that the test is good for five days.i am thinking of doing 500mgs every five days(@8 weeks)&i know the d’s will kick start the honest guy’s does this sound like the ingredients to getting some mass packed on?this will be my second cycle(first one was sust-250@500mgs for 8 weeks tapered weeks 9&10)i’m 6ft3at 255pds,kept the gains from the first cycle.any input would be appreciated.thanks guy’s!!!!!!!!!!!

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you can put 20lbs on with that cycle. You may want to add some EQ, deca or primo to make some of your gains more keepable.


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I whole heartedly agree with Buff Diggity,

To get better gains add a high anabolic steroid like deca, equipoise or primobolan into the cycle and you will get some very satisfying gains.

Run the Testoviron at 500 mgs for all 8 week and the dbols at 30 mgs for 5 weeks and I would recommend tapering off of them on the 6 by doing a 1 tab a day decrease.

If you get deca then run at 200-300 mgs per week and if you use the equipoise take a 100 mg shot every other day which equates to 300-400 mgs per week and if you use Primobolan run at 300-400 mgs per week on all of these run for the entire 8 weeks.

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WHERE THE HELL IS THE ABOMBS?(A-50)Bro I think the naposim’s would work…BUT FOR MASS ADD THE ABOMB!

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hey bro’s, wow thanks for all the imput !!!!that’s one reason i really get into this board,straight get freaky big tip’s.can’t wait to start the madness again(hehehehe).
