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i’m 5’6 135lb 10¿ 27 years old i have been trainning about 3 months my goal is to be 155lb with 5% bf i don’t wanna be freak 🙂 cause i’m sort
so my Qs are :

1-is sus 250 with deca 300 will be a good cycle for me ?
2-freind of mine told me that you should train naturally and you will achieve your goal without gears,do you gus think that i can reach my target without gear cause i’m going to start my cycle soon ?

thanks 🙂

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I personally don’t think your body is ready for gear yet. With three months of training under your belt, there is no way you have gotten anywhere close to your genetic potential. In my opinion, you should continue working out naturally for another year or so, and EAT,EAT,EAT clean foods and lots of protien. You should be able to gain twenty pounds easily without resorting to using gear, and you can probably do it in less than a year.

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I agree with hvysquatter

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I agree too.

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if u dotn know about how to train eat and sleep ure cycles wont be very good cycles my advice while on a cycle eat everything u could if your lookin to keep bf% off eat alot but eat clean .high protiens low fat….sleep 8 hours a night and work out super hard while your on
