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A Few Questions…

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Hi everyone, I have a couple questions…first I was wondering how you go about sterilizing testosterone? I have amps of chinese test blend and got a rash from my last injection, someone said to boil them but how would i go about doing this? just boil a pot of water and throw them in? this wont damage the test (i thought you were supposed to avoid extreme temps)? secondly i was wondering how customs is coming in from brazil? is it tough for packages to get through to the US? Thanks for the help! Peace


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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 5

There are two basic techniques commonly used to sterilize oil-based AAS:

1) Filter through a 0.45 or 0.22 -micron sterile syringe filter using sterile needles into a known sterile vial.

2) Heat sterilize in an oven preheated to 250 degrees F (get an accurate thermometer) for 20-30 minutes, let cool outside the oven, heat again for 20-30 minutes, let cool outside the oven, heat again for 20-30 minutes, let cool.

You can even combine these two; I would sterile filter first then heat, but that’s just me.

No, the heat will not damage the AAS molecules. Many AAS have melting points around 250, but the point at which the molecules break down is much higher (I’m repeating the claims of what I consider to be an unimpleachable source of information).

You probably should be more worried about what happens to the oil molecules (forming trans-fatty acids and other crap) at these temps! (but not very worried)

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Right on point with some good knowledgeable advice…Thanks for helping out Iron Bro…one big happy family Ha!Ha!

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Joined: 8 years ago
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I am gonna be steralizing my gear with the oven method tomorrow. Do I just put all the amps in a pot and put them in the oven just like that? Thanks for your help, the info you gave was great!

