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Nice board guys, looks the biz

Ok I have done some primo,winny and deca before. This time I am stepping up to the bigger leagues (well for me) and going for D-bol and sus. I was going to do 500mgs sus for 5 weeks, cycle the d-bol down over 5 weeks from 40mg a day in the first week down to 20mg a day for the last week. I was also going to take t3 and clen (pyramiding T3 up to 100mgs and back down over 4 weeks) – wanting to stop water bloat, proviron (anti estrogen) and HCG kick start my nuts.

Thanks in advance

Trusted Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 61

Bro I always recommend at least 750mg test/wk for an effective cycle. I also like tapering down on the dbol starting at 50mg/day………You really should get the most bang for your buck (and receptors). T3, clen and proviron will minimally decrease blaoting and fat gain. I speak from experiance. I am currently using taraxatone under the advice of samson and its workin fuckin great. I have been pissing all fuckin day long…….my face even looks better…….MOON FACE IS GOIN AWAY!!! Good luck with your cycle bro.

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What is taraxatone and how are you taking it (dosages, duration of usage etc).


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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 2

As CYPHON said, 750 a week is good on the sus, as is 50/day dbol. I would not recommend the proviron, merely because of the price and sides. I would go with anastrazole (arimidex.) The t3 and clen would be at the end of the cycle of course, and t3 is questionable in my book. ECA is effective and less of a worry. However, I would mainly do the eca, forget clen, and if that was not good, low dose DNP. This is not a recommendation, only what I would do.
