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Andro after a cycle...
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Andro after a cycle???

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I am a little unclear… i have known that HCG and clomid are needed after a cyle in order to prevent a crash. However O recently heard of a few local gym rats tapering off with Andro and Nor-andro. They are combining this stuff with some tribulus and seem to be keeping all of their solid gains. Anyone else ever heard of this practice before?

This topic was modified 1 year ago by Dr. Steroids

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no- no -no andro is SHIT.

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Winstrol/paperstrol will definitely work, but if you’re looking to be easier on the system after a heavy cycle you might want to consider primo at 100mg eod for 5-6 wks. Andro is a big risk on the wallet – some people swear by it, but it’s never done anything for me…

Um… what the hell? I didn’t make this post. I was just doin a search and I saw this thread listed and I wasn’t familiar with it… so I went and took a look. I put in my password everytime to post… don’t think anyone could have used my computer. Hmm…. -Tadger

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Andro has too low of a conversion rate to do really anything the male body. I know a few pro women who use it, because women don’t need a high conversion rate . . . self-explanatory. They do ake the andro with their other stacks to help increase the gains, but have not heard of it working AT ALL for male competitors. To et enough to do anything in the male body, you would have to take about a hundred times the recommended dosage, since only about 5% will actually convert. You figure you take 1000mg, and you only get 50mg out of it . . . that will not do a thing for a male, but can do wonders for some females. Just my $0.02.

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Thanks for the info. While i do admit I dont have all the answers if I can help anyone out with anything I will

