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Armixyl – What does it work with?

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Does Arimidex only work with drugs that aromatize into Estrogen? Or does it also work with drugs like Deca?

Also, is there any kind of information that shows a scale of the ammount of Arimidex(in mg’s) it takes to be effective with drug X of a certain dose (also in mg’s)?

This would make it easy to take enough to be effective without overdoing it and wasting such an expensive drug.

Something like this:

1/4 tab Arimidex will work upto Xmg’s of Test
1/2 tab Arimidex will work upto Xmg’s of Test
1 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

1/4 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Deca
and on and on.


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Armidex will stop deca from converting to progesterone. 1/4 tab eod should be fine.

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<div class=”posttext”>killer quads

Armidex will stop deca from converting to progesterone. 1/4 tab eod should be fine. Sorry, but arimidex has nothing to do with progesterone. Arimidex inhibits the aromatase enzyme. So it only works on aromatizable AAS. Use it if you want to keep your estrogen under control.</div>

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Can I get a tie-breaker?

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Hmmmm……I guess I stand corrected….maybe…anybody care to clear this up?? I am almost certain armidex was unique in that it will control all conversion, including that wich occers with anadrol and deca. And unlike nolvadex, acyually stops conversion instead of just handleing the sides.

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Anadrol? I thought it converted just like Test? Wow, I’d like to clear this up for sure. My next cycle will be with Test Enanthate and Anadrol.

So Anadrol doesn’t convert to Estrogen? Does it convert to progesterone like Deca?

Dr. Steroids
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Anadrol does not convert to estrogen. Anadrol derives from dihydrotesterone, which can not be aromatized in the body.

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Really? Why does every description of Anadrol I’ve read say that it aromatizes very easily and has very high reports of Gyno?

Check this link out for the descriptions I’ve read. (They might be wrong)

Particularly note the last Anadrol Profile.

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Damn, my head is….I though it converted to progesterone like deca, and that is why nolvadex would not work on it, just like deca. IArmidex is supposedly able to prevent test or any gear from converting to anything….I trust jim knowing he is a stand up guy who has been around for a while, but I am all mixed up now……Back to the original question though, do you guys agree with me that the armidex will stop the deca sides???????????????? Bro, if you cant get a straight answer out of us knuckleheads, use some winny with it, that will clog the progesterone receptors, but it will not react with them, just take up space so the progesterone from the deca wont have anywhere to go.

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Nevertheless, in many of the body functions, more than one AR receptor needs to be occupied. For example, hair loss can be stopped by blocking DHT or E! Also, prostate problems can be stopped by blocking P, DHT, or T.

Things I know: Anadrol with Ana did nothing for sides. Anadrol with cytadren did nothing for sides. Anadrol with winstrol did nothing for sides.

HOwever, the ana dose may not have been high enough so read on!

Trenbolone almost always caused the user breakouts and oily skin on 1/4mg day ana. Cytadren did stop the breakouts and slowed hair growth slightly, but now for the good news which i have just completed!

This is my final and ultimate conclusion on this subject. If any of you remember, I first postulated this to be the case and tried it with cytadren to find it worked as did others. However, it could not be known for sure since if cytadren was fully acting on E only since cytadren hits so many p450 enzymatic processes and some other factor was involved.

For some, even fina would make them breakout on cytadren or at least get crappy skin. Well, here’s the good knews because after 4 weeks of 1g (at least) a week of various stuff, and with 1ml ana/day. There is yet to be a breakout or oily skin! Even with a week of 100mg/day of clomid thrown in there.

The dosing was 1ml, 1/2ml, 1ml, 1/2ml, etc. Even with 500mg of tren in there/week there were no problems.

The other exciting noticed on the subject animal is that hair growth usually goes wild with tren, but this time it was actually LESS shaving than normal!

That’s how scientific research is conducted! Can’t beat that!
