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Bought Something from GNC

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well for the first time in two years I actually purchased something legal. I am totally off of everything now and bought some Xenadrine. All the guys at the gym were shocked to here of my purchase. Kind of weird to do such a thing when you have done everything in secret for the past two years. It would be great if they had stores like GNC but they just had juice. Not to worry my fellow juicers, I will be starting a new cycle soon. My girlfriend says I might as well stay off of them, but who is she kidding. She loves walking around with someone that looks likea bodyguard. Oh and she loves when the test levels are really high, I love being able to get it on for several hours at a time also. Well I am going to go with sustanon, deca, Dbol, slin, and finish up with winny, primo, and cytomel. I will keep you posted on my results. Currently 5’10”, 228lbs, and 11% bf.

Trusted Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 70

Looking good iron bro…thos are some impressive stats!!

Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 21

hey those are impressive stats and how do u good is that xenadrein do u take anything else when u take it?

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Joined: 8 years ago
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Woooooeeeeeeee, bigfellow!!!

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Joined: 8 years ago
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hey those are impressive stats and how do u good is that xenadrein do u take anything else when u take it?

It works fairly well and I use it alone. It is nothing compared to cytomel or clen but it is rather effective for me. You can buy caffine, asprin, some 2 ways at a gas station and make your own little stack that is practically the same thing and is cheaper. I have a friend that works there so I get a really good deal.
