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Can i Mix D-bol????
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Can i Mix D-bol????

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Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
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i know u can mix steroids but i just want to make sure can i mix my new D-bol that i just bought for this cycle with some left over nerobol that can from a old cycle??
thanks bros

Active Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 8

Yeah you can mix’em but try to drink a good amount of water while your one them. This will help keep your kidneys cleaned because there is going to be extra processing work being done while you taking them.

The only think you cant mix is a water based injection with a oil based injectable. Oil with Oil and water with water. When I mean “Mix” I mean in the same needle/syringe. you can Use both Oil and water based roid at the same time just not in the same needle. Hope this helps.

-The Icon

Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 25

Yes, you can finish off your old nerobols and then start your new d-bols in the same cycle.

For protecting your liver, be sure to take Milk Thistle to detox your liver every day along with at least a gallon of water to flush your system.

Milk Thistle can be found at any drug or health store.

Keep the faith, Thick

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thanks bros that helps alot iam glad i can use them up

thick1 how much does milk tistle usually cost andhow much should i takealso i heard its good to take flax seed oil how much does that stuff cost and how much should i take daily

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No problem mixing them…not one at all. Good info The_Icon *wink wink* and Thick1. Nice job Iron Bros
