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Cheaper Cycle???!

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Hi guys, well im about to start my 3rd cycle of 10dbols a day, 750mg of sustanon a week and 400mg of deca a week, running the whole lot for 3 months, with lots of milk thistle etc. This cycle has cost the earth, and im getting the stuff at a fair price. Can anyone recommend a cheaper alternative for cycle number 4 that will still cause a fair bit of expansion 😉 ? Also, what dosage of Milk Thistle would you recommend with this cycle? Thnx for your responses. 😀

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depending on the supplier…..prop and suspension are often cheaper than sust

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Yeah, forget the sust. When it gets down to it, test is test, so if you want to use a gram of test a week, just buy whatever you can get for the cheapest price per gram. I find that prop works just as well as sust, with better results early on. It does require more shots, so you might want to look at the something like the T-400. I would also consider using EQ instead of the Deca. The Ttokkyo EQ is very affordable. Also the Deca 300 is usually very reasonable in the bang for the buck and either of these two mixed with the T-400 gives you quite a punch for only 2 ml of juice.

Prices vary of course, but you can get 10 ml of the T-400 $80 – $100, the Ttokkyo Deca 10 ml, 300 mg at $100 – $125 and the Ttokkyo EQ 10 ml at 200 for $80 – $100 domestic. Not the best prices out there probably, but I bet it is cheaper than the sust cycle you are talking about by a wide margin.

Of course the least expensive way to go is to buy the fina pellets and get a kit. Tren is a very effective mass builder and this is probably the best bang for your buck out there.

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Flex, thanks a lot for the response, when this cycle is up, i will do something like u have suggested, more jabs is not a problem, i quite enjoy em 😀 cheerz bro

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I bought some test propionate 250mgs for about $55 per 10ml vial, the shit works pretty good. In my opinion its better than sustanon.

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I agree with these guys. I liked the prop EOD and it was cheap. I’m using the T400 now and it was cheap. I get the deca 200mg/ml and got 2 bottles and it was pretty cheap too. On the finaplex pellets if one were to go into a local farm supply store, how would you ask for the pellets. What quantity? and do you need any type of business license or something? Don’t want to get the shit embarrassed out of me if I go.

But a T200/deca cycle or a T440/deca cycle is your best bet for the money. Add in some d-bol first 4-6 weeks and you are on your way


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go with Dragon Pharma’s can’t go wrong.
