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Clomid Versus Arimi...
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Clomid Versus Arimidex

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Since Clomid acts by stimulating the release of luteinizing hormone and pituitary gonadotropins and Arimidex is a selective nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor that lowers estradiol levels, would using both of these during a cycle be better then using only one?

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Anybody have info… anyone at all?

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I love arimidex. At 1/4 pill eod it works like a charm. I dont like clomid during a cycle. Save it at the end

Detroit Diesel
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Since Clomid acts by stimulating the release of luteinizing hormone and pituitary gonadotropins and Arimidex is a selective nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor that lowers estradiol levels, would using both of these during a cycle be better then using only one? You know, i have never thought of that, in theory and on paper i would think it would work. BUT, Considering Arimidex alone does a more thorough job than Clomid, wouldn’t stacking it with Clomid actually be overkill and there by increasing estradial levels in the blood, kind of cancelling each other out????? What I am saying is the body works on a supply vs demand basis for hormones, and if you have test @ one level and lower the est below the Test, more E is going to be produced…….. Did that rambling make sense,…’s late…… ;D Good Q though, I would be interested to see if anyone else has any input…</div>

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I agree that on paper it sounds good. I was hoping for more post from anyone who knows about this stuff…you do make a good point though. I guess I will only use one or the other until I hear otherwise. Thanks for your reply. :o)

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Well in a nutshell: Keep Clomid ONLY for the end of the cycle– you do not need it during the cycle. For during the cycle use Arimidex. ½ tab every day will do the trick.

You don’t need to fight the estrogen during the cycle, don’t forget that estrogen is actually beneficial during the cycle by minimizing the negative impact of steroid use (one of them could be high cholesterol levels for example). What you need is to reduce the conversion to estrogen – to minimize the aromatisation process…

That’s why during the cycle you should use aromatize inhibitor like Arimidex. After the cycle is over you need to block/minimize the effects of the estrogen in your body (at that point there are no benefits of the estrogen), and you need to restart your internal production of testosterone. We know than GH and Test work together in the body… Well Clomid is actually synthetic estrogen with both agonist/antagonist properties – it will evaluate both follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone – which will cause natural testosterone production…

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<div class=”posttext”>So have I got this right? Spell it out for me I’m an idiot :o) Estrogen itself is good in a cycle. However, you dont want your gear to convert to it… you use arim to block conversion. Presumably your body makes the estrogen in other ways? I got all the stuff about clo after the cycle. Fallen

Well in a nutshell: Keep Clomid ONLY for the end of the cycle– you do not need it during the cycle. For during the cycle use Arimidex. ½ tab every day will do the trick. You don’t need to fight the estrogen during the cycle, don’t forget that estrogen is actually beneficial during the cycle by minimizing the negative impact of steroid use (one of them could be high cholesterol levels for example). What you need is to reduce the conversion to estrogen – to minimize the aromatisation process… That’s why during the cycle you should use aromatize inhibitor like Arimidex. After the cycle is over you need to block/minimize the effects of the estrogen in your body (at that point there are no benefits of the estrogen), and you need to restart your internal production of testosterone. We know than GH and Test work together in the body… Well Clomid is actually synthetic estrogen with both agonist/antagonist properties – it will evaluate both follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone – which will cause natural testosterone production…</div>

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Post already answered…hmmm…I am geting slow…you got it!

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J Endocrinol 2000 Feb;164(2):225-238 Effect of chronic administration of an aromatase inhibitor to adult male rats on pituitary and testicular function and fertility. Turner KJ, Morley M, Atanassova N, Swanston ID, Sharpe RM MRC Reproductive Biology Unit, Centre for Reproductive Biology, 37 Chalmers Street, Edinburgh EH3 9EW, Scotland, UK. [Record supplied by publisher]

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the administration of a potent non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor, anastrozole, on male reproductive function in adult rats. As anastrozole was to be administered via the drinking water, a preliminary study was undertaken in female rats and showed that this route of administration was effective in causing a major decrease in uterine weight (P<0.02). In an initial study in male adult rats, anastrozole (100 mg/l or 400 mg/l) was administered via the drinking water for a period of 9 weeks. Treatment with either dose resulted in a significant increase ( approximately 10%) in testis weight and increase in plasma FSH concentrations (P<0.01) throughout the 9 weeks. Mating was altered in both groups of anastrozole-treated rats, as they failed to produce copulatory plugs. Histological evaluation of the testes from anastrozole-treated rats revealed that spermatogenesis was grossly normal. In a more detailed study, adult rats were treated with 200 mg/l anastrozole via the drinking water for periods ranging from 2 weeks to 1 year. Plasma FSH and testosterone concentrations were increased significantly (P<0.001) during the first 19 weeks of treatment. However, LH concentrations were increased only at 19 weeks (P<0.001) in anastrozole-treated rats, and this coincided with a further increase in circulating and intratesticular testosterone concentrations (P<0.05). No consistent change in inhibin-B concentrations was observed during the study. Suppression of plasma oestradiol concentrations could not be demonstrated in anastrozole-treated animals, but oestradiol concentrations in testicular interstitial fluid were reduced by 18% (P<0.01). Mating was again inhibited by anastrozole treatment, but could be restored by s.c. injection of oestrogen, enabling demonstration that rats treated for 10 weeks or 9 months were still fertile. Testis weight was increased by 19% and 6% after treatment for 19 weeks and 1 year, respectively. Body weight was significantly decreased (P<0.01) by 19 weeks of anastrozole treatment; after 1 year the animals appeared to have less fat as indicated by a 27% decrease in the weight of the gonadal fat pad. The majority of anastrozole-treated animals had testes with normal spermatogenesis but, occasionally, seminiferous tubules showed abnormal loss of germ cells or contained only Sertoli cells. Ten percent of anastrozole-treated animals had testes that appeared to contain only Sertoli cells, and one rat had ‘giant’ testes in which the tubule lumens were severely dilated. Morphometric analysis of the normal testes at 19 weeks showed no difference in the number of Sertoli cells or germ cells, or the percentage volumes of the seminiferous epithelium, tubule lumens and interstitium between control and anastrozole-treated rats. On the basis of the present findings, oestrogen appears to be involved in the regulation of FSH secretion and testosterone production, and is also essential for normal mating behaviour in male rats. Furthermore, these data suggest that the brain and the hypothalamo-pituitary axis are considerably more susceptible than is the testis to the effects of an aromatase inhibitor. Anastrozole treatment has resulted in a model of brain oestrogen insufficiency.

PMID: 10657858

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