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Dbol question

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I hope this isn’t a stupid question but I’ve read that after a user takes D-bol. Their heart really starts pumping hard only a few hours after they take it. So I was thinking. Would Dbol be bad to take before an intense aerobic workout. In my case, a basketball game. Would it put extra unhealthy strain on the heart? I wouldn’t want to do any damage to my heart.


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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 5

I hope this isn’t a stupid question but I’ve read that after a user takes D-bol. Their heart really starts pumping hard only a few hours after they take it. So I was thinking. Would Dbol be bad to take before an intense aerobic workout. In my case, a basketball game. Would it put extra unhealthy strain on the heart? I wouldn’t want to do any damage to my heart. Thanks

i’m not a doctor bro, but i took d-bols on my first cycle while i was in an intense cardio program(yes this was a bad idea as i could have gained more by just lifting alone) that included running and swimming almost every day, and all i can say is that i had no problems other than sweating and the occasional bout of insomnia. tip: take your spreed at the earlyiest time in the day. i actually woke up at 6 in the morning when i was spreading 50mg through out the day. i found that if you do this, your last tab will be in the earlly evening so you shouldn’t have a problem sleeping, or maybe it was just me. good luck iron bro and remember to put some test with d-bols to help keep away from limp noodle problems, hehe, lol. later bro
