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Dbol Taper

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I’ve started my 2nd cycle. It’s 500 mg sust/week, 400 mg deca/week, and 30 mg dbol/day.

I was planning to do the dbol for 5 weeks and continue on with the sust/deca until 8 weeks.

Should I stop the deca cold after 5 weeks or taper it off after the 4th week?

Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 36

Drop it down to 20mg/day for week 5, then stop. (I assume you mean dbol and not deca, and that you just made a typo)

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Yeah that was a typo, I meant the dbol.

Thanks for the info!

Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 22

Quads hit it right on . . . but I wanted to point out that you really do not need to take that much Deca. You should usually take half as much Deca as you do Test. So I would say around 250mg/week of Deca. You can only saturate your receptors so much, and the rest is just spill over and wasted. Especially with this being only your second cycle! And I would also suggest dividing your Sos injects over 250mg twice a week instead of taking the whole 500mg all at once due to the short acting esters in it . . . you want to try your best not to waste them. I hope this helps!!
