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Egyptian Sustanon

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Hi Everyone:
I´ve been reading theboard for some time but this is my first post. I´ve been lifting for about 12 years and really hardcore for the last 3. Been competing in local IFBB shows for the last 3 years (as a light-heavy) and hope to compete next year.

Just wondering about Sustanon from Egypt. Is it any good (it´s very cheap)? Anything to watch out for? Any info would be great. Thanks!!

Active Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 17

Personaly i have found no difference in sustanon. I have had a few kinds, they all seem the same. Cause they pretty much are. Only real difference is the dosage. could be more than 250mg a ml or under a bit. Cost are all pretty much the same also. LBM
