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Eq and clen questio...
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Eq and clen question

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If I were to take just eq and clen for my first cycle, will they lean me up real good? Also how much clen will I take per week? (like 2weeks on, 2weeks off etc…) If these two sound good tell me if not tell me, but Im just trying to find something to lean me up and not spend a shit load of money.

Thanks Biggn

Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 37

Seven is correct…As’s don’t lean you up…your diet and cardio do. every one reacts differently to clen and has their theories. For me personally, I have done the 2 weeks on and 2 off thing and my body begins building a tolerance after week 1 so, I go 2 days on and 2 off. Run the EQ at 100mgs every other day….this will be enough for you, being your first cycle.


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I have worked with you privately. I thought you understood the dangers of using AS and thermogenic drugs at your age. No mention but it is below the age of 20. being in your teens you will be causing more problems for yourself.

Be smart and do it the hard way by dieting and training hard with cardio included. There are no miracle drugs to accomplish what you want.

Again I stress to you at your age you should be looking at only an ECA stack as the fueling agent to lose the bodyfat.

Keep the faith and stay safe, Thick

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I get what your saying, thanks again.

