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Fina Help

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Joined: 8 years ago
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have read many posts about fina h cattle implant pellets on other boards. i have heard of all the ways of administering it and think that eating the pellets may be the way to go.(no mess and no fears about unsanitary injections).i read that 4 pellets a day was a good dose due to the losses by taking it orally. does anybody have any experience or info on this.

Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 45

well I dont suggest oral use. I didnt have any luck with it, but everyone is different. I began using it with dmso and have had good success. I recommend putting the dmso on knees or elbows because the skin is tough there and isnt irritated easily. DMSO is easy to do, and I am sure you will have much better results than swallowing them.

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heard the dmso way leaves you smelling pretty nasty, any truth to it. what about disolving it in acetone, filtering off the binders and then using something like 10 or 20ml of 50mg/ml deca as the “oil” to soke up the powder after the acetone evaporates.kind of a homemade stack. just an idea.

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Posts: 2

Get a kit an inject it. If you eat it you will get 10 to 20% of the dose. The dmso method will bring an absorbtion rate of 50 to 60%. If you decide to eat them, you will need to chew them and hold them under the tongue for about 1 min.

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This is SwoleCat, Moderator at the Fina discussion board. Come over and check out our posts for ALL of the information you will ever need regarding Fina. Wassup ManOSteele! Hey, disregard my e-mail I sent……..I got it now.
