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GH questions

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Assuming I’m running a decent cycle 500enanthate/400deca with dbol for 8 weeks, followed immediately by winny/primo for another 6weeks… would throwing some GH in there be at all beneficial? I know they say to run GH for at least 3 months for best results. At the very least, for such a short period, it would drop your bodyfat pretty considerably wouldn’t it?

Another little question I have… Is there any benefit to subcutaneous GH injections as opposed to intramuscular? I know they’re a little quicker and easier… but if you’re goin with other gear too is there anything wrong with putting it all down through one barrel?

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to be happy with you results you realy need to run it 3 months

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GH significantly reduces insulin and thyroid levels, so it is VERY necessary to take insulin and T3 when taking GH. I would never take GH without them. Honestly, if you are going to take it to get rid of excess fat, I would just go with a Clen and T3 cycle. In my opinion, GH is not worth all the gear and gains you can get from other AS for the same price!

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I like to use GH to help in cutting, as it is about the only thing that will help with spot reduction, but a50 is right; it does work much better with T-3 & Slin. If you are going to spend the $$$ for the GH, get the most out of it. Besides, T-3 and slin are cheap.

It seems to me that you are trying to accomplish two mutually exclusive goals in the same cycle, cutting and mass building. To build mass, you need a surplus of calories, to cut fat, you need a deficit.

Not only should your diet be different when mass building vs. cutting, but so is the training regimine. Cutting fat is about cardio, high reps and an elevated heart rate, while mass building is more about moving large quantities of weight. Again, you can do one or the other, but not both.

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Hey, thanks for the info. I’m not planning on hitting the GH for quite a while yet… I really don’t feel I need it. Dropping my bodyfat has never been a problem for me. I am one of those guys that has to work forever to put on a little bit of muscle… but can butter my bacon without noticing much change in %bf.
