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Horse Prescription

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I have a friend who mentioned something about faking a prescription for a horse and running it through to get some winn-V, does anyone know about this anything about this? it sounds crazy?
also cant i just get pins from the vet. instead of mail ordering them.

Dr. Steroids
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Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 70

As you all know we are dealing in illegal substances, all steroids are classified as Schedule III drugs which falls in the harmful drug category.

Understand that by going thru a doctor or a vet anytime a prescription is written for a Scheduled drug the prescription is forwarded to the State Narcotics Unit who will check and log in a computer data bank. It is far to easy to get caught this way and because it is a scheduled drug most vets will not perscribe unless they examine the animal in fear of losing their license.

Why go thru all the anxiety of dealing with a vet for your pins. If you have animal feed stores check with them if you don’t want to mailorder your pins. I still find it a hell of a lot easier to order the pins over the internet, no questions asked and it is shipped right to your door.

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Posts: 45

I think writing a prescription is stupid and a big unnecessary risk bro
