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Insulin Question

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Bros, if anyone shoots insulin, then I have a
kinda damn question, but how does insulin work if you shoot it immediatelly after a workout? I read about the chemical process, but is it really that effective for putting on weight? If it is, how do you calculate an effective dosage without putting yourself into hypoglycemic shock?

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Insulin is extremely effective as an anabolic!! It is also very dangerous. I have taken it a couple of times. I liked it better the second time because I knew what to expect. The first time I got kinda scared because I was real nervous, so any body change led me to believe I was dying. LoL It makes you tired after you take the shot, but you have to stay awake to eat and eat and eat. A safe regime is to start with 4iu after your workout. For every iu you take, you need to take at least 10 grams of carbs. You should take in about twice as much protein as you are carbs, and keep the fat at a minimum, since your body will be in a mode to utilize EVERYTHING!! I would also take creatine, since it will help shove it into the muscle cells. I would raise the dosage every day or two by an iu. If you start to feel uncomfortable at all, then go back to the previous dosage. You should be able to comfortably get up to 10iu after you work out. You do not need to go higher than that in a single dosage. If you do want to increase it, then take a shot when you wake up and then take another one after you work out. Within 10 minutes after the shot, drink a high carb/high protein shake (I would drink GNC’s Weight Gainer 2200 Gold), and then about an hour later, eat a well rounded meal (I would usually eat a salad, chicken, rice, and a breadstick). The way I explain it is that after a work out and a long sleep, your muscle cells are depleted of nutrients, and the insulin further depletes them, so when you get a good intake of nutrients, they get shoved into the muscle cells (i.e., carbs, protein, creatine, and AS)! If take wrong though it can be deadly, so please be careful and this is not something you can try to megadose like other AS. If for some reason you do not feel it is working for you, then just remember more is not always better! Take care

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Well i have used insulin in my past 3 cycles started with R 5 units morning 5 units pre 5units post workout, works real nice man if you dont mind injexting yourself in the gym like i did, had a few close calls which really doesnt fucking matter seeing it is not illegal just the idea people seeing you shoot it, and you have a good body what do they think? STEROIDS!!! then your that talk of the gym. Well i now use 70/30 humlin on my bulk cycles 20 units 1 injection in the morning thats all. 70/30 is long acting bout 8-12 hours but peaks every 3-4 so it’s like injecting slin every 3-4 hours in small amounts, lot less hassell. I only recomend 70/30 on bulk cycle when your not watching your carb intake!

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Thank you,bros. I’ll be careful. 😎
