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from what i understand, they no longer produce “real” dbol. is methyltestosterone the same thing, if not what is different ??

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methyltestostrone is not the same as Oral Dianabol. It has androgenic properties that nearly double that of D-Bol. Also D-Bol is still produced…Pink Thais are what I use. They are the preferred for most here. Any further questions feel free to direct them my way…I am here to serve Iron Bro

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ManOSteele (): methyltestostrone is not the same as Oral Dianabol. It has androgenic properties that nearly double that of D-Bol. Also D-Bol is still produced…Pink Thais are what I use. They are the preferred for most here. Any further questions feel free to direct them my way…I am here to serve Iron Bromos, i have blister paks of ten w/ “MATAH(?)POCTEHO(?)OH” 0.005r written on them ? is this a form of russian dbol or methyltest ? there aren’t any triangles on them. the (?) in the name are letters or symbols of some kind.

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…I was looking at this old thread from dec, but its a good post for a headz up.

**Methyl test is problly in my opinion one of the biggest “counter-slips” to hit the black market. Mostley because when the name is printed in a different language the chemical names for any brand name of methyltestosterone[such as agovirin] can easly be misstaken as the “real dianabol” or “methandrostenole.” Methyl test is dirt cheap[say $30.oo per 100 buccal tabs] and do not give the same or even a third of the muscle gains that real dbol will give. Methyltest is usually in buccal [between cheek and gums] or subligual [ under tongue ] and those forms will have a citris or sweetish flavor to them and are very small….Dbol is not in this form. So becarefull newbies because its not the fact you dont have a real hormone its the fear you might have a steroid being faked as another. The only time I would use methyltest would be if your a powerlifter whos looking for strength gains withought weight gain or if your a bodybuilder looking to harden up and cant get halotestin. Another note is that methyltest will give you every known side effect and one of the first known upon taking methyltest is gyno , zits and hair loss. Buyer beware!!

Later on,Joey.

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Russian D-bol the best on the market for the price and has the quality for the price! I’m using it already many years and I love it… And methyltestosterone is nothing like a dbol. D-bol is a deriative of methyltest, but you won’t get near the gains from the methyltest.

Yes will b.big, it is blister paks of ten w/ Methandrostenolone 0.005g written on them. It’s russian d-bol!

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