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like i said this is week 8 (my last week) of a sustanon and dianabol cycle. i was planning to do a cutting cycle in february but i just found out that i will have to go away for a little at the beginning of march so i decided to try to get the cutting cycle started in the next month or so. the goal is to get ripped, hard, and vasular while maintaining or adding as much lean muscle as possible. my thoughts are to start using something like primobolan or eq 300 that wont shut down my nat test levels from coming back up to par in the next few weeks. not really bridging. well with the funds low because of christmas, what would u guys suggest if i had to pick one drug of choice or 2 drugs?

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choices: winny, eq, primo….basically almost anything.

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If i were you i would get the winstrol-v, that’s a favorite of mine for getting lean and veiny, and maybe some eq for hardness and size,but you can’t go wrong with primobolan either! If your short on cash go with what you can afford!

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ok thanks vein. also i started loading up on creatine today to help maintain some gains since i am coming off but a few of my friends (naturals) have said that they have been having problems with going limp from creatine. my question is could this have the same or a more drastic effect on sexual function since my test levels will be very low? and also has anyone else had experience with creatine making them go limp?

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Vein…as always Iron Bro…Good and concise info. Congrats on the promotion Iron Bro…keep up the good work!!!

Yours In Iron, ManOSteele~The Real Steele
