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Does anyone have any experience with Omnadren 250? I know its a test blend like Sus but with different combinations. It is cheaper, but how does it stack up performance wise? Same, worse, better, and does its cheaper price possible make it a better deal? Thanks for any feedback.

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the new omnadren is the same as sustanon, its a few bucks cheaper, so i say if its cheaper go for it cause its the same thing. some people actually like omn’s better then sus but personally i would go with whats cheaper.

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I myself like the the old omnadren better than sust. I got greater results and im planning on using it for my next cycle. First of all is it the older version or the new version? if its the new version its the same as Sustanon, but the old version has different it works a little different, alot more size i find. be sure to have some novladex and clomid just incase. omnadren does have more reports of gyno due to more water retention. hope this was some help to you.


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Old omna…I agree the old omna’s were much better than the newer ones.


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Old Omnas were stronger but more chances of GYNO occuring. Now its the EXACT same as sust so really it depends which you can get cheaper. Since they are botht the same get the cheaper one of the 2.

-The Icon

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they say the old version was a little faster acting more chance of gyno. People swear by it and love it…


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The old Omna were the shit…love sustanon now though…
