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anybody here used the stuff …i`m planning on doing a tren winny and pgf2 cycle soon and wanted to know who has some good first hand info on it.
I know it hurts like a bitch when u use it but no pain no gain hahahaha..

later FB

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Posts: 22

I have never used it, but did some reading on it back when Arnian was around. I always read and felt that is was better when used in between cycles. Just my $0.02. Take care P.S.– I will see if I can dig up those links to the info on it. I think you started out with like a a 5th of a cc 5 times a day in various muscles, using an insulin needle. You would need to get an anatomical muscle chart so you can get all 3 heads of your tricep, the 2 bicep heads, your calves, etc etc. It is supposed to hurt like hell. And you do not want to inject in muscles near your stomach region (i.e., abs).

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junk. save your money and hit gh if that’s what you want.

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anybody else has an opinion on this..

later FB

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It’s about as worthless as the dog shit in yard next to mine, lol.

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What about al the good stories i heard about it are they all lies??? I`m hearing good things about it in my gym but i want to hear from some of u guys who used it and if i remember correctly ripped used it with great results.

later FB

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Just try it for yourself, you’r only gonna loose like 50-60 bucks for a bottle of it… you prolly won’t even get through half of

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wel my source has some goodies to shoot with it so the pain wil be ok …..but why was this hype around it if it`s shit? I`m not being a dick just want to know everything about it…..maybe i wil just shoot the stuff and that is why i want some ones opinion on how much to use some say 4 to 8 ml at 5mg per ml and some say 1 to 2mg 5 times a day and that is a big difference in my book.

later FB

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 22

PGF2 last only minutes in the system! That is why it needs to be taken throughout the day. I would start out at 1/5th a cc each shot and then go up from there. It is kinda like insulin in that you have to build up to a comfort level. Peace
