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Pink Dbols ?

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Whats everyones thoughts when someone just takes orals , say for instance just Pink Dbols ??? Jus curious what the experts think .

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 1

IMHO you shouldn’t take more than oral at a time, and if your only taking one thing then your not going to get maximum results. as with d-bol especially anything you gain you’ll loose as soon as you come off the cycle so then what was the point of taking it? to look big and bloated for a few weeks. stack it with something. look around this board….you’ll see some good ideas.

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 4

I dont agree at all bro when you come off you will loose the water retention but not the muscle you gained… if inface it was muscle….. Muscle builds slowly…. not like you start a cycle and gain 20lbs in 4 weeks… thats not muscle… thats water. You loose all the water and everyone thinks that you loose everything. If your diet and training are consistant you wont loose the muscle you have gained…. I personally love dbol… I even take it alone and get wicked results. Dbol and deca are perfect, rams the protein synthesis up and builds muscle like crazy, just take armidex/lasix and your water retention will be minimal and you will keep your gains. Its all about the diet though bro. Most ppl come off and their diet goes to shit and so does their training… I know its hard to keep your protein at 1.5-2g of protein/lb of bodyweight but its what you gotta do if u wanna keep your size. Some may disagree but thats just my opinion


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I agree with shadow if you keep your diet and training up you should be able to hang on to most of your gains. except the water wieght.
