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Second Mass Cycle

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OK it’s time to get HUGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE! This would be my plan for an 2nd cycle. First cycle was Omnandren @ 750mg a week for 5 weeks with 25mg of d-bol first 3 weeks and Clomid through out. Gained 22lbs of this.

Current stats: 5’7 @ 185lbs with I’m guessing 12-14% BF. This will be a mass cycle:
Anabol’s Omnandren Norma Deca T3 Clomid
Weeek 1 35mg 750mg 400mg 25mcg/day
week 2 35mg 750 400 25
Week 3 750 400 25 50mg/dy
Week 4 750 400 25 50
Week 5 750 400 50
Week 6 750 50
Week 7 500 50
week 8 100
week 9 100
week 10 100

Also Nolvadex starting in week 2- 1 tab EOD

Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 36

Looks good, two suggestions. Run the anabol for 2 more weeks and omna at a gram seems you did 750 last time, or at least a gram the first couple weeks to get the most out of the short esters. I would also not worry about tapering omna, just use your max dose for 7 weeks.
