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Should I Do Cutting...
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Should I Do Cutting Cycle Right After Bulking Cycle

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i start my first cycle tomarrow
sustanon deca clomid
week1 500mg 400mg
week2 500mg 400mg
week3 500mg 400mg
week4 500mg 400mg
week5 500mg 400mg
week6 500mg 400mg
week7 250mg 400mg
week8 250mg 200mg
week9 200mg
week10 50mg/day
week11 100mg/day
week12 50mg/day

okay my question is should i do a cutt cycle right after bulking cycle. and what would be a good cycle to do.

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It all depends on what you want to do? Alot of people try to gain as much muscle during the winter month’s and try to diet and lean out during the summer month’s but alot of other people can’t stand to carry around the extra fat from there bulking cycle’s and try to lean out as quick as possible! If you are going to try to lean out you might want to use: Equipoise, Primobolan Depot, Winstrol Depot or try doing some clenbuterol & t3!

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yes i want to bulk up and cutt for summer how long after i finish cycle should i wait to do another one.

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so you mean start primobolan depot after the clomid or after last shot give me a cycle so i can order if you recomend it

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A very generalized rule of thumb is to stay off for as long as you were on. This is to protect the recepters as much as possible….But, now comes bridging into play…..Is it a good idea?

Yes and No. It depends on the bulk cycle and the AS of choice for the bridge, for your cycle, which looks good as is(maybe add a little dbol up front for the first 4 weeks….heh heh heh)

Primo is a good choice, but I am partial to Anavar. Though it is similar in prices with winny, and primo…’s benefits outweigh the price….Does not aromatize, nor will it shut down your natural test levels, and after all the injections, it’s nice to drop a few tabs a day….eh??

Also consider fina for 4 weeks, and eq….the possibilities are endless……Ummmmmmmmm…YUMMY! Bring on the PAIN!!!!!!


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OKay you got many answer – all of them valuable info but they might not really answer your question straight forward.

After you are done this cycle – it’s a very good one – you take a rest for about 8 weeks. Than do the cutting cycle right for the summer.

ManOSteel posted here a VERY good cutting cycle – I would recommend it for you.

The guys here mentioned bridging… well you probably should live this for the next year when you have more experience with A.S. And also as Ranger mentioned it’s pricey 🙂 His suggestion to use Anavar is very good for after bulking cycle. So if you decide to bridge in the future – use Anavar after Bulking cycle and Primo after cutting cycle.

You also mentioned Clen and T3 – before you consider using them ready everything you can about ‘em! There are few quite good posts on that matter on this board!

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thanks for the info.this site is awsome everyone so help full.

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personally i say hell no .for the simple fgact that after your bulking cycle, you ill loose a lttle if u are lucky or u will loose some considerable size and thats the fact, like MANOSTEEL SAID u shoul bridge withprimo 4-6 weeks just to keep most of your gains..then satr cutting up..and maybe i mention this before, after your cycle if anything u should styay as big and strong as u can by eating hjigh protein calories and take clomid to kick start that natty . once your natty get back to normal, then its time to lean out . be patient . i don’t about but cuttingf up is real easy for me cuz im very dedicated. n also i use primo during mu cutyting period so i can save some lean muiscles mass while losing them fucking fat. i also use creatine, glucophage, and definitely cardio i hr a day 5-6 days a week. i ani’t lying.

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Posts: 70

D-Bol upfront, I would have to agree. Primobolan is a good choice to Bridge, but I am partial to Anavar and Oximethylone. As these to will solidify your gains as well as build additional lean body mass. Anavar and oximethylone are known for their great strength increase and has minimal sides also. If you want bang for the buck, go with one of the latter two. GoodJob helping him out guys, I am pleased to see so many people with input and various opinions. It really does adds to the knowledge and quality of the board. Keep up the good work Iron Bros.
