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The Science Of The Pyramid

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Ok, I’ve read quite a few arguments for & against pyramiding your cycle. In most cases not much is discussed, it’s just a yes you should or no you shouldn’t do it type of thing. I want to try and start a debate about the theories behind the idea.

Reasons for Pyramid:

Every argument I’ve read for pyramiding seems to state that the reasoning behind it is that your body will “Get used to” a certain level of anabolics. Thus on the way UP your pyamid you are increasing the dosage so as your body is constantly seeing a higher level than the one before (That it supposedly is used too). Then the idea for going down slow is that the Estrogen level in your body is very high once you are at your max dose, and simply stopping the anabolics will put you in a state opposite off what you want, basically you’d have an abnormally high estrogen level instead of test. So by gradually reducing the Anabolics your Estrogen level also gradually comes down.

My Main question is: Where does the high Estrogen level come from? Can your body actually produce enough Estrogen to compete with steroids? Or are the high Estrogen levels simply the steroids aromatizing?

The argument against Pyramiding seems to be simply that at the beginning and end of the pyramid you aren’t getting enough anabolics in your body to get any results. Some even go the route of Starting their cycle at max dose and then tappering near the end. Again the reason for the taper at the end I’m assuming is because there is the belief that your body is attempting to match the artificially high Test levels with estrogen (Again, I’m not sure if this is really the case, or if it’s just aromatazation?)

If anyone here really understands the chemistry behind this I would love to hear some different ideas.


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Posts: 37

The reason you pyramid, is to slowly bring your body’s own natural hormonal and chemical balance back up to par. Pyramiding should only be done with high androgenic AS’s and test’s. The reason for this, is exactly what you stated. If high androgen’s aroamtize and begin to exude high estrogen levels and you cut it off at peak, yes, you will have a very high level of estrogen in your system which will sat. the block the receptors. With test, it’s really simple. your body makes it, you intorduce huge amounts of “false” test so your body thinks its producing too much and it shuts it down. you need to turn that alarm off by gradually tapering the amount in your system so your nuts know to start pumping again. And of course you need to really jump start them after your cycle with something like HCG, etc. You should never taper high anabolic cycles. All you’re doing, is cutting down the amount that is available to the receptor. As your receptors become saturated, it is necessary to keep the dose up so that more gets through and is available when your cycle stops. If you taper a high anabolic, you are wasting your juice the minute you start the down half. You should always follow your cycles up with a test stimulator and an estrogen blocker…..depending on how harsh your cycle was, you can either use OTC like tribulus and chrysin or you will have to use something like HCG, nolvadex, clomid, etc.


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Pyramid…It is commonly called tapering in the A.S. community. I wrote an extensive article on it in the General Discussion forum…had many opinions. I only taper with D-Bol and a few other steroids that are highly androgenic like A-Bombs…Everything else…you don’t…

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I agreee with ManOSteel, Tapering is not necessary with most AS.
