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I’ve noticed I can order several items online from cattle companies. DuraPen (Durabolin or Deca?) Synovex(Test propionate?) and Finaplex H. Are theses suitable for use(the first two are injectables, the third is an implant)? Let me know any experiences.

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The Durapen I’m not to sure about but the Synovex is nasty stuff and you want to stay away from it because of the estradiol it’ll give you the worse case of gyno you could ever imagine. The reason i know is because my friend found a website about 1 year ago that had severeal pictures of guy’s who had used it and it was nasty as hell they looked liked they were sporting DD’s! As for the Finaplix many guy’s use this stuff and they use it severeal different way’s here’s how i’ve heard they take it one way is to grind up the pellet’s and snort them the other is to just take the pellet’s and grind them up and mix them with DMSO and water and apply to skin. The last way i’ve heard is buy cooking it up!

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Yea, you should do lots of research and take time trying to hook-up the best resources you can some of that stuff is really nasty!!!!

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Well, order it, try it and let us know. You may have stumbled on to something.

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You’re right Buff, I was thinking (that’s why I came back, to post!) that but you beat me to it! Peace.

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I have used it before (Synovex-H)but I was very paranoid about BT so I used alot of arimidex. Its too much of a hassle to make, especially filtering the stuff.

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I’m just curious here… why would you use arimidex with synovex-h? The problem isn’t aromitization but that there’s already estradiol in it. Arimidex doesn’t affect estrogen already present in your system. It selectively inhibits conversions of androgens to estrogens. As far as I know, it just occupies the binding site on the aromitase enzyme preventing androgens from binding and being converted to estrogens… it won’t directly affect the estrogen already in your system.

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Someone was telling me yesterday that there is a kit that allows you to remove the estradiol… I’m still looking into that….

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Tadger is right, If you dare try this don’t use arimidex, this only blocks conversion to estrogen. Since Synovex has estrogen in it already you should use clomid or nolvadex(SP?). Save your money, it would be a waste to use arimidex.

I have a better suggestion. Why not find a good supplier (domestic) and order from him?

The finaplix is ok. your best chioce of the three. You can use DMSO, a conversion kit, or 99.9%isopropyl alcohol(transdermal). Yeah I know some people don’t like the alcohol, probably cuz it was first written about in a magazine so it’s not hardcore, but I got good results from it(15lbs on a fina only cycle).
