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What Does Anadrol C...
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What Does Anadrol Convert to in the body?

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After my last post asking about Arimidex, I’m very confused and skeptical about taking Anadrol.

Every profile I’ve read on Anadrol says that it will convert to Estrogen. Therefore I was all ready to grab some Arimidex to save the day.

Seems like I got a bunch of conflicting opinions in my last post.

So what’s the truth about Anadrol?
1. Does it convert to Estrogen?
2. Does it convert to progesterone?
3. Does it not convert to anything? (find this hard to believe)

Maybe I’ll have to break down and call HAN SEO Pham who makes it.
hopefully not, I hate trying to ask questions to people who don’t speak english.

Detroit Diesel
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I am not that familiar with A-50, but here it goes;

A-50 is similar to Test. and D-bol in it’s side effects. I believe it does convert to estrogen quite readily. So that would make Gyno a concern. Bloating can become an issue only if it is a concern, IMHO. With A-50 i would keep arimidex on hand vs. proviron, or Nolvadex. Bacne and the other androgenic sides would also follow, based on it’s siblings test & d-bol.

hope that helps, I read that from Champy’s site and Anabolics 2000. Again, I have no direct experience with A’s but, like i said I know it is close to d-bol and the test. families…….

Detroit Diesel
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So, A-50 would be better for you in the long run in terms of sides than compared to d-bol? (comparing only 17’s, orals, for the liver)

All this time I was under the strong impression a-50 would have much harsher sides, if not the same at the least than the other orals…..

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If that’s true than Arimidex wouldn’t do anything for you since it doesn’t aromatize, but, Nolvadex would work since you could atleast block the Estrogen of unknown origen, right?

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A-50 is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone and the androgenic properties are almost like any testosterone we use. A-50 does aromatize so an anti-estrogen is recommended. You will also experience the usual side effects: bad temper, hair loss, excessive water retention, high blood pressure, acne, etc… Also keep in mind that since its a C-17 alpha alkylated steroid its very toxic to the liver. Have some milk thistle around and take it upto 3 times a day to help with liver function.

Dr. Steroids
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A-50 is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone and the androgenic properties are almost like any testosterone we use. A-50 does aromatize so an anti-estrogen is recommended. You will also experience the usual side effects: bad temper, hair loss, excessive water retention, high blood pressure, acne, etc… Also keep in mind that since its a C-17 alpha alkylated steroid its very toxic to the liver. Have some milk thistle around and take it upto 3 times a day to help with liver function. Sorry Samson, but with the aromatizing of A-50 I have to respectfully disagree bro. But don’t worry man I still love ya………….. Here is a case where you will have to make your own decission. In my science books A-50 becomes dihydrotestosterone which is a final compound not being able to aromatize. But when A-50 is taken estrogen is elevate and an anti-estrogen is needed. But the estrogen is believed to come from the bodies conversion of another chemical or from the bodies own production. What chemical is not really known. You will need an anti-estrogen, but in my “scientific opinion”(i like that one) it doesn’t convert to estrogen. So in reality it dosen’t matter if it converts or not, but rather that there are elevated estrogen levels and they need to be combatted. peace

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I have read that the conversion that takes place while on anadrol, whether it is from the anadrol or the body, will cause estrogen related sides that cannot be effectively combated with nolvadex, leading me to guess there is some progesterone present in the body while on. And where the hell does the intramuscular fat come from???? I am content with the info DrS gave, but the hell if I understand

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A-50 is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone and the androgenic properties are almost like any testosterone we use. A-50 does aromatize so an anti-estrogen is recommended. You will also experience the usual side effects: bad temper, hair loss, excessive water retention, high blood pressure, acne, etc… Also keep in mind that since its a C-17 alpha alkylated steroid its very toxic to the liver. Have some milk thistle around and take it upto 3 times a day to help with liver function. Sorry Samson, but with the aromatizing of A-50 I have to respectfully disagree bro. But don’t worry man I still love ya………….. Here is a case where you will have to make your own decission. In my science books A-50 becomes dihydrotestosterone which is a final compound not being able to aromatize. But when A-50 is taken estrogen is elevate and an anti-estrogen is needed. But the estrogen is believed to come from the bodies conversion of another chemical or from the bodies own production. What chemical is not really known. You will need an anti-estrogen, but in my “scientific opinion”(i like that one) it doesn’t convert to estrogen. So in reality it dosen’t matter if it converts or not, but rather that there are elevated estrogen levels and they need to be combatted. peace This is the beauty of this board….”we all agree to disagreee!”. How else can we get information and/or get our information correct? Perphaps A-50 does not aromatize directly but its compounds or the reaction that it causes in the body has a tendency to elevate estrogen levels. This will, obviously, create a high chance of gyno!! Anything that elevates estrogen levels in my book is a drug that aromatizes(either directly or indirectly). Actually A-50, dianabol and testosterones have been quoted to raise estrogen levels therefore considered to aromatize. Btw, DrS I still love you too….just dont disagree with me again pal….J/K 🙂 Take care and thanks for always being around…your contribution to this board and the S.E. are valuable!!</div>

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So then Can everyone agree that Arimidex will have ZERO effect on Anadrol since it itself doesn’t convert to Estrogen, but Nolvadex/Clomid WILL work since it simply blocks Estrogen receptors.

Dr. Steroids
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Why thanks Samson its great to know I am appreciated…hahaha

QKRTHNU, It is my experience that armidex doesn’t work with a-50. Nolvadex seems to be best in this situation. Just my $1.50

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Sounds like you’re suggesting that Anadrol converts to progesterone. Does anyone have any hard evidence on this topic?

I think I’m going to have to call some of the companies that make it.

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ok now you’ve done it you made me get out of this chair and go get the book.

Anadrol is one of many poorly understood steroids. for instance it does not aromatize at any dosage. rather, it has progesterone-like effects in the body. this is what is responsible for it’s gyno causing power. it is also not a DHT derivative. rather, it is a potent androgen in the scalp that could make your hair fall out without even converting to dht. saw palmetto and proscar are useless since they only work to inhibit existing dht production.

from that i gain that it is best taken with winny to occupy the progesterone receptors and help prevent gyno.

Later Tiny

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yes, it converts to progesterone..noveledex will not help… proviron-depot will. good luck CVB

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Please explain how proviron would help. What I’ve read about proviron is that it has moderate anti-aromitose qualities (not nearly like Arimidex).

If Anadrol doesn’t aromitise then how would this help.

I understand how Winny helps since it will clog the progesterone receptors. Does proviron accomplish the same thing?

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I thought patrick arnold said oxy converted to mestanolone not stanolone, if that’s true then wouldn’t a lower dose of oral mestanolone work just as well as a higher dose of oral oxy.

is the conversion of oxy to mestanolone 100 % ?

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