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I had to lay out of the gym for almost 3months and I feel like a fat piece of shit. I’ve never done steroids but would like to get back to my old self as quickly as possible. I don’t want to have to take 5 millon different things to keep from getting bitch tits and stuff like that. Someone at the gym suggested I try winstrol or sustanon. The only problem is where to get it. I tried this guy at the gym but he was very unreliable, I’ve heard of web sites out there but which one? I don’t want to get ripped off. Thanks if you can help….

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 30

I’d lay off the juice til you’ve been back in the gym for atleast a few months….you’ll have lost quite a bit of strength in 3 months and you should get most if not all of that back before starting gear….

assuming you wont take this advice……or if you do….after you’ve been back in the gym for a while…..Winstrol or EQ stacked with some test like cyp., prop., or masteron(doesnt aromatize)…. will give you good gains without much risk of gyno. Anavar would be an excellent oral if you wanted to add one.

what cuntry and general area do you live in ? maybe one of the bro’s can point you in the right direction… or join Steroid Encyclopedia…money well spent.

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Posts: 3

bro…..shoot me an email


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forgot to put my email…[email protected]…sorry about that


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Ruck, I certainly hope you’re taking care of this brotha, and not trying to scam him.

My advice would be exactly what YYZ’s was. Wait until you’ve gotten all your stats back up

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Posts: 22

first off….expect to be contacted by scammers

case in point….druck/RUCK may be trying to scam you…maybe not, he may just want to discuss back and forth in a private manner for some odd reason. dont send money to anyone that contacts you, without consulting with a mod first. if you’ve got some extra cash to just give away, PM me and I’ll give ya a WU addy close to me 😉

yyz gave ya some good advice. get back to where you were first, then consider AS. sounds like the advice flowing around your gym is misguided. winny and sus shouldnt and cant be lumped into the same category.

join steroid-encyclopaedia and look around there for some more ideas….it’ll be worth the $$$

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Joined: 8 years ago
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Bump for the advice!!

For your supplier info. BUMP for Steroid Encyclopaedia!!!!

Good Luck


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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 40

Bump for S.E.!!

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Thanks to everyone who replied to help me out. I’ll be sure to check out the websites some of you sent me. However, I was informed that this guy at the gym who has been supplying everyone; his source is about to quit so I’m going to go ahead and buy some winstrol injections just so I’ll have um’ when I get ready. The price for them is $240 for 20 shots. What do you guys think, is that reasonable? How long can you store stuff like that? in the frig? Thanks again, cronbread :explode

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 19

$240 for 20 ml?? your getting ripped off. you dont need to store it in the fridge. Your not ready for steroids bro, wait a while. And at the very least do tons of research before you go injecting yourself.
