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When to take the mi...
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When to take the milk thisle????????

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Do you take this before, during ,or after the juice???
And anything else to take to protect liver!!!!

P.s How much do you take?


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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1

First of all the amount to take depends on the product’s strength you buy. When it comes to herbs and herbal supplements you must be very careful of reading the labels for the part of the herb being used. Some herbs the active ingredient is found in the root, others the flower, or the leafs.

When buying milt thistle look for a bottle that on the label says it contains “silymarin/or silybum marianum” at an 80% extract at least 200mg/capsule dosage. This will give you the most concentration of the herb. I don’t know where you live but try and find brands such as Solaray, Natures Way, or Eclectic Institute are be highest quality and strongest formulas available.

My opinion is that anyone who is consuming high protein diets, which all of us bodybuilders are downing at least 1.5 gr/lb of body weight or should, are putting stress on our livers, therefore should supplement with milk thistle as you would a multivitamin. If you purchase an extract of milk thistle as I mentioned above take 1 capsule/day when not in a cycle. When in a cycle I would, depending on your size, as much as triple that.

In addition to the milk thistle I would either try to find a formula which contained artichoke (flowers) and dandellion (root) or buy these herbs seperate.

Good luck and remember pound down the water along with everything else.

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 70

Dam is that helbutfly giving a accurate well thought out answer. You have been doing your homework Iron Lady. I am very impressed!!! Now if we can get you to post more like this….ha!Ha! Come on don’t be shy…:-)

Dr. Steroids
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Joined: 10 years ago
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Good reply helbutfly.

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 61

I take milk thistle with every meal along with primrose oil……..seems to keep my liver radiant and glowing with a smooth supple complection for all the ladies too see and drool over……Your probably thinking that my liver cant be seen, well heres what happened…..40i.u/day of HGH… a huge protruding liver, elephant ears, flipper like ski’s for feet and still no testes……lifes rough when you wanna look like bill phillips!!!hehe
