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Winny/EQ Question

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I’m thinking about hitting a winny/eq cycle here this fall… gonna hold off on a bigger cycle until I’ve got a little more money to play with. With Eq being so similar to deca, does one have to worry about deca dick from it too? I was thinking about running the eq at 300mg/week and the winny at 50mg e/o/d. Think I need to throw another androgen in there?

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Equipoise won’t give you deca dick..

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Is it easy to have deca dick when taking deca?

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You CAN get deca dick from eq if you stay on long enough without adding an androgen. Personally I would suggest saving up some $$$ and doing a good rewarding cycle rather than a half-assed cycle now. Enanthate is not expensive and you won’t need that much to add to your cycle. Add 200-400 mg of enan/week and you will be glad you did.

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curious what your goal for this cycle is…… I assume you’re cutting ? If you want some mass from it… take some enth as dakota suggested or personally….I’d double your doses…

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dakota is correct, you can get deca dick from EQ, although it probably wont happen. Throw some test n there with it, youll get better results

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Yeah. I was thinking about tossing some enanthate in there. I am not really looking for a cutting cycle really. I was just toying with the idea of something kinda light to tide me over until I can hit a heavy cycle. Hell, maybe I’ll just go with the eq/winny idea along with some fina and enanthate. That won’t be terribly expensive and should do me well.

I am planning on hitting dbol at 35mg/day for 6 weeks, 500enanthate+400deca/week for 8 weeks and following it with 300mg primo/week and 50mg winny e/o/d for 6 more weeks to finish it off. I already hit a deca/test cycle this spring… and I was just playing with the idea of a light cycle for the fall and hitting it heavy come winter.

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yo seriously big man

dont just do the shit – to do the shit, why not just wait until you have more $$$ saved and hit the cycle you want…and not for nothin but an eq/winny cycle is alot more expensive than the test/deca/dbol cycle…at least where i am from… oh and double your dosage with the winny to 100 EOD…

lata freaks

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Ok, ok Equipoise will maybe cause a limp dick, but not a proestrogen (sp) induced limp dick… 🙂

sorry about that..

But if I had to choose between DECA/Winstrol and EQUI/Winstrol, I’d choose EQUI/Winstrol just to avoid the proestrogens (sp)..


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well money isn’t the only concern… I was somewhat concerned about doing two cycles with deca one after the other. Granted I’m there’s a few months in between but… well I dunno. Another thing is that I want to hit a cycle when training for hockey this year… which is why I want to do sumpin this fall. I know that everyone always sez that if you’re gonna do it… don’t do it half assed… but being that I’m still new to the game I’m gonna grow no matter what I use. I was just thinkin that with eq and winny together… I’d get nice n vascular which should help with all the sprinting on the ice. (maybe not while actually on the gear… I’ll be lucky to make it the length of the ice before suckin wind… but by the time the season starts up I should be sittin pretty.) Tossing some enanthate in there as was suggested sounds good. I wasn’t sure and that’s why I asked.

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personaly, i would run the eq @ at least 400mgs/week, the winny at least @ 300mgs/week, and since you have extra, run fina @ 76mgs/eod.

sounds to me like you want some hard, keepable muscle. if you don’t like the fina, do primo @ 300mgs/week.

keep us updated.

