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Last seen: Dec 15, 2018
No worries bro. Doctors chart is confidential and can be given to no one. It cant even be released to the police in most circumstances unless a ruling...
I would suggest using some milk thistle while using fina, as with any other product that can be toxic.
The day before my wedding I banged 2 cc’s of sust. and hit a nerve. Shit hurt for about 5 days real bad(it was even hard to get out of bed) and my rig...
not to worry. I have injected into bis and tris. Sometimes it does that and sometimes it doesnt. It will go away in about 2 weeks and a leg workout wi...
I used 22 a couple times, but if you warm sus first it will go through a 25 so that is what I prefer to do for obvious reasons
takes a little getting use to but not that bad
Well I dont have any blue color from injecting. Pain can be bad, but after the first few weeks it isnt that bad.
well I dont suggest oral use. I didnt have any luck with it, but everyone is different. I began using it with dmso and have had good success. I recomm...
I dont know about the smell, it taste kind of sweet at first and then very bitter. I am not taking orally, but had a couple drops run onto my hand and...
It was already mixed when I got it. I dont want to say who it was from. Not going to risk someone getting in trouble
I think writing a prescription is stupid and a big unnecessary risk bro
I saw somewhere that talked about using sunflower oil instead of sesame oil. would this matter?