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Thank you for visiting SteroidsLive forums. We are a hardcore bodybuilding site dedicated to bringing you the very best information concerning the world of bodybuilding. Whether you are a competitor or you are just looking to improve yourself, this site is for you. No subject is taboo. We discuss all aspects of bodybuilding, from the natural way to the steroid way. You will find what you need here.

Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
A-50 is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone and the androgenic properties are almost like any testosterone we use. A-50 does aromatize so an anti-estr...
yea bro Insulin is not for newbie’s
It might not be scar tissue. The muscle is made up of many fibers that are pretty tough, it might just be the tearing of an individual fiber. Or maybe...
Not a bad theory, but it wouldn’t last for to long I am guessing
good post, but the best way to not get busted is to not do any illegal activities….
sports medicine doc usually know
Anadrol does not convert to estrogen. Anadrol derives from dihydrotesterone, which can not be aromatized in the body.
good post
IT very well could be real but As a general rule do not take cytomel or clen if it is not in the original package.
yes it realy works, and most suppliers carry it
have you tried the outer thighs.. I think it is easier to self inject.
about 3 weeks
if you want to be clean about it the change the needle……
go with 500 sust an 400 Eq and 35 d-bol
like they said just save it