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Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
Bro, I have had the same problem. The only way I fixed it was to get totally off of gear for 2 months at least. After that I was fine….
As you all know we are dealing in illegal substances, all steroids are classified as Schedule III drugs which falls in the harmful drug category. Unde...
where can you get clomid, and how much should you take a day? Ive heard that you should start taking it While on your last week of you cycle.most supp...
If you run the hcg in the middle of the cycle it usually will help them stay a little bigger than raisins…….lol
good post bro
good post bro……..
Hey bro welcome, the exact question you are asking can be found by either doing a search(by using the search button) or just browsing through the post...
welcome, clen would do what you want. the best way to use it is to take enough to raise your body temp .5 to 1 degree and continue with that amount un...
Personally I like Sustanon 250 stacked with Anadrol-50 as a first cycle. This will pack on some mass. But since you only want orals, I would say just ...
Hey bro this was posted a while back by ManOSteele a while back it should help you. Well here is an all-oral cycle for all you guys who are afraid of ...
Lets bump this to the top
Bump, good post
the best thing for you right now is to do cardio(stationary bike would be a good one to use.) 6 times a week for 30 minute intervals. If you are just ...
For a first cycle I think you have plenty, I would stick with your original plan
You should be fine.