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Last seen: Dec 1, 2018
wel i`m not new to juice …i have done about 6 cycles. I don`t want to get cut but just lose some fat and keep my muscle.. later bigiron
bump pls help u guys
i was thinking 75mg eod with winnie 50mg eod just keep it simple and cheap because my mass cycles kost enough as it is…. And i want to add clen and t-...
just stop at 8 weeks do the clen at 6 tabs a day for about 6 weeks abd then do your next cycle if that is your goal.. later big…
Hey doesn`t anybody use proviron here?? I`m on 1300mg of test and not holding much water using two tabs of proviron a day so if u can find that usew i...
just do this withthe gear u have…. 500mg test for 8 weeks and for the last 4 weeks and 2 weeks after u finish the test use winny at atleast 30mg a day...
wel my source has some goodies to shoot with it so the pain wil be ok …..but why was this hype around it if it`s shit? I`m not being a dick just want ...
What about al the good stories i heard about it are they all lies??? I`m hearing good things about it in my gym but i want to hear from some of u guys...
anybody else has an opinion on this.. later FB
why use eq and deca together in week 7? and i would do the suspension at 200mg eod or a little less like 150mg eod because it`s pretty hard on your sy...