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Last seen: Dec 3, 2018
stay with Kalpa, they are cheap i think if you ask around i know someone who has 1k for 350-400 bucks somin like tHAT!
It is Bacteriostatic water you mix with it, but you wanna know a lil secret? bacteriostatic water you can replace with distilled water. Lil tidbit shi...
Tail Gun you are absolutly right, Nothing wrong with long term use. Depends on what your looking for bigzig, If your single and get no ass or if you d...
pink thais are very good only 5mg though if you dont mind swallowing 10 pills IP’s 50mg dbol i loved took 2 a day yes 100mg total. Now come the Naposi...
Well i have used insulin in my past 3 cycles started with R 5 units morning 5 units pre 5units post workout, works real nice man if you dont mind inje...
I have a bro who used to compete a few years ago, won fucking many titles on the east coast in the masters division. Hadnt worked out in a year becaus...
Originally posted by QKRTHNU It really depends on what your cycle consists of. If you’re using Test bases drugs then Nolva will be what you want to ha...
What suspention are you talking about bro shooting through a 27G dart?
well if you used prop for your test those doses sound good except for your winny unless your talking about using the ttokkyo 100mg winny. i dont know ...
that is the first time in 5 years i have ever heard that
Bump BeefCake, how’s it going my friend? Anadrol is progestagenic (ani-estrogens won’t help you there). If you want ot avoid bitch tits, you should us...
i would use deca way over primo homie!
The clomid does not act like a regular estrogen, it actually binds to the receptor sites of estrogen, it works as a blocker and also keeps the nuts ha...
i am planning to cycle on first week of april. i’ve done 3 more cycles and my stats are 1,80m and 80kg and low bodyfat,9%. High metabolism. <If thi...